Recent content by DRU411

  1. D

    Viparspectra par600

    So that plant will be 2-3 ounces of dry bud?
  2. D

    Do ph buffer powder raise ro water ppm

    700 ppm doesn't mean it's hard water. What does hard water contain? Calcium Magnesium Trace amounts of other minerals It’s a natural result of minerals like calcium and magnesium accumulating during the water cycle, and it can happen with well water and even city water. The more calcium and...
  3. D

    19 days old baby is it healthy first grow i feel that her leaves are twisting Help !!!

    Oh yeah sorry here is your participation trophy. Life is all sunshine and rainbows. You drank plant food. That should tell you something. GOOD LUCK
  4. D

    19 days old baby is it healthy first grow i feel that her leaves are twisting Help !!!

    Some people should NOT grow. I suggest find another activity. Also stop smoking, drinking and anything else like that you do. I fear for people like this.
  5. D

    Will infrared light cause problems during flower?

    Thanks for your two cents. Also for putting everything that I have already stated or is in the article I posted. I grow multiple strains at a time. I have done this to many different strains from different sources. Please show me some LED companies that say their light is better because of there...
  6. D

    Will infrared light cause problems during flower?

    Never once did I say green light has no effect. I was giving valid responses. And your telling me that the facts are wrong. I have ran a green light through dark period. Plants went into bloom, they grew and I harvested them. No issues with having the green light on. Just needs to be the...
  7. D

    Newbie need help diagnosing problem - Thanks in advance

    Looks like cal-mag to me. That's just my thought.
  8. D

    Will infrared light cause problems during flower?

    Where did I say it has no effect?
  9. D

    Will infrared light cause problems during flower?

    Yeah cause all those LED companies are advertising how much green the have. "Leaves appear green because they reflect green, while absorbing all other colors of light. Think of the rainbow, what colors are there other than green? Well, there's red at one end of the spectrum and blue or violet...
  10. D

    Will infrared light cause problems during flower?

    How do plants use green light? Do you know why plants are green?
  11. D

    First grow, it has been interesting

    I would lollipop it. Cut every that is not going to reach the treills. Spread it out. Better air flow underneath. Even light coverage. It's better to do it earlier but the beginning of flower is better than larf. If the plant is healthy it will be ok. That's just my thoughts and the way I do it.
  12. D

    Viparspectra LED 300w light distance?

    Is there any garden picture that you would be proud of. Sorry to ask. Just would like to see what a tent and plant are supposed to look like. Even if it not yours.
  13. D

    Thoughts and comments- just started Week 3 grow tent

    Are you the OP? I see it all on the leaves in the picture. Learn to read. I said "use in flower " not on the buds. OP said that's what is was. I know how do use it. I will never use it I'm my tent. I am inside, I know how to not over water and keep my tent clean. Two main causes for bugs
  14. D

    Viparspectra LED 300w light distance?

    I am new to this. Will start growing soon. Can you show me your standards. Would like to see a plant that someone can be proud of.