Recent content by dumbassdrummer

  1. D

    What Happens To Thoughts?

    "I don't really find it entertaining talking to book tho. you?" Talking to a book? No. Reading a book? Yes. Even then, mindless conjecture, ignoring what science has found, in the pursuit of such topics is a little silly, don't you think? I mean, do as you like, but the whole endeavor is as...
  2. D

    Did God Create Man?

    "I say explosion, not because of any speed involved in the process, but because in an explosion everything splinters off into a billion pieces and into a billion different directions. We can have population explosions where over a period of 50 years the population increases by so much. An...
  3. D

    What Happens To Thoughts?

    You guys do realize that science has pretty solid answers to these questions with, you know, study after study after study after study. You can look this stuff up on google or go check out a freshman psych book.
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    Did God Create Man?

    "Ok. And the difference between ants and chimps is? I cannot think of one, except that chimps look more like us." Ants and chimps? Chimpanzees (which are not even the most intelligent monkeys - we have recently document some, cannot recall which species, using rocks to smash nuts open - they...
  5. D

    Why Exactly Is Cannibalism Wrong?

    "Is necrophilia morally wrong? That's a social taboo right. I would see it as being morally wrong. I also think desecrating a human body by eating it is morally wrong. That's someone else's body dead or alive. I do agree that it is a taboo which is created by society, but morals are not set in...
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    Why Exactly Is Cannibalism Wrong?

    Gygax - I still do not see a moral argument against cannabalism in your post. So most cannibalistic serial killers wont admit to eating humans because they feel it's taboo. So? Taboos are social constructs, so unless you advocate some sort of cultural relativism regarding morality, this fact...
  7. D

    most potent strain???

    I dunno fdd - that 151 makes me do some crazy shit.
  8. D

    I Love LSD

    LSD is fantastic. I like to use it every few months if I can - it's a sort of emotional release that I find to be fairly healthy.
  9. D

    what is marijuana?

    I'm not sure I fully understand, but..... Amen brother Sabud!
  10. D

    Favourite strain?

    Blueberry was my favorite for the longest time. Trainwreck is also a personal favorite, though, it slows me down too much mentally. Recently I've been diggin' on a strain that a buddy of mine can get through a friend of a friend, called Kool-Aid. I have not the slightest clue what it is but it...
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    most potent strain???

    I have to wonder what criteria would be appropriate for determining overall potency. As people have said, THC is not the only fact (not to mention fdd's excellent point regarding the nature of data regarding THC content). Honestly, when you're talking about strains like White Widow, Blueberry...
  12. D

    what is marijuana?

    A blessing? A gift from God? God herself? Fuck, I dont care, it gets me high so I love it just the same.
  13. D

    Great Hash/keefe PICS!

    Looking back on all of my friends who have grown and thrown out the trimmings - hell, I could have taken the trimmings for free and made hella good hash. Hindsight....
  14. D

    Why Exactly Is Cannibalism Wrong?

    Aside from the whole murder thing (which is probably why I've never given the topic much consideration) I can't see anything wrong with cannibalism. Hmm.... I'm sure I'll give this some thought throughout the day.
  15. D

    Did God Create Man?

    "I understand where you're coming from. But the fact is, the mind can do incredible things in certain situations. Even if a person had such a spiritual experience, yes, they may believe it to be proof of the existence of God, but the fact is, you cannot always trust what you see/hear/fee, as...