Recent content by DwC/AutoF-Expert

  1. D

    Dwc jack harare auto from mega queen to sad saggy mess

    Have saved worse root rot problems whit silver bullet only but this one is little of a mystery was like a Afro of healthy leafs before
  2. D

    Dwc jack harare auto from mega queen to sad saggy mess

    The roots was taking all the place in the old bucket so when student accidentally pulled the air “cable” then it stays on top of the roots witch resulted in to little air in the water and then anaerobic bacteria and calcification and so on
  3. D

    Dwc jack harare auto from mega queen to sad saggy mess

    Sorry was meant to write Done that , and then I answered your cuz if they where brown “not really “ sorry would be easier to explain in words that come out from my mouth :p
  4. D

    Dwc jack harare auto from mega queen to sad saggy mess

    Some that no not really they are partly white not yelowish and in the new span it looked like the calcification that I believe was at the roots as welll just started to get lost cuz I saw some whiteish dens bubbelike substance on the surface
  5. D

    Dwc jack harare auto from mega queen to sad saggy mess

    No other way around AN was what I told her to do but that exactly
  6. D

    How much will I most likely get?

    yea lights would be needed as well
  7. D

    How much will I most likely get?

    If it a good strain and you down mostly everything right then you ca count whit 500g to 1000 in the best case
  8. D

    How much will I most likely get?

    Bro you need to give allot more facts like the pot size is it hydro coco or dwc ? Is it a auto flower ? Witch strain is also something I would need to know and the nuts you give and how much and witch nuts and humidity temperature and so on best regards
  9. D

    Dwc jack harare auto from mega queen to sad saggy mess

    I’m so sad and broken cuz my absolute favourite No1 went from champion to a wilting total mess and it started whit that I saw that the Airstone had accidentally curled up cuz the Root totally takes all space in the 10 l span so then I realised that the ph went up then did my student give general...