Recent content by ejl3321

  1. ejl3321

    Whats Wrong?

    you are overwatering.
  2. ejl3321

    Could this be from low humidity (pics)

    then what is the problem....every time I grow I have this problem with leaves drying out and dying. I didnt even use that much nutes this time. Am I deficient? I really don't get it.
  3. ejl3321

    Could this be from low humidity (pics)

    I struggle with my humidity levels. I can never get it above 40% most of them time its at 35% with the temp around 75 F. I visited my local hydro shop today and the guy said the problems I've been having with my plants could be from low humidity. I was thinking mag deficient but epsom salts...
  4. ejl3321

    anyone have any good links on growing shrooms?

    I am condifering giving it a shot but I am a total beginner and need good clear instructions. ANyone?
  5. ejl3321

    Plant Problem Diagnosis

    everyone says miracle grow is no good. That seems to be the consesus on this board. Change soil.
  6. ejl3321

    Burnt Leaves. Too much nute? Not enough?

    That looks like it might be mg deficient because the veins are being spared and the leaf margins are turning upward. I am having the same problem with mine. You should try a foliar spray with epsom salts and also water them with epsom salts dissolved in the res. It could take up to 6 days to...
  7. ejl3321

    My Leaves Have Holes.....

    did you spray the leaves when the lights were still on?
  8. ejl3321

    If this is nute burn..I give up (PICS)

    I do have a ph meter and its always a constant 5.8 on the money. I don't f around with my ph. All my growing conditions are good. Good ventilation, humidity, temp, lighting etc. This looks like everything they say a magnesium deficiency is. Yet people say its nute burn...always nute burn.
  9. ejl3321

    If this is nute burn..I give up (PICS)

    I guess I wasted all that money on my hydro set up. What a shame.
  10. ejl3321

    If this is nute burn..I give up (PICS)

    somebody please help me. I lost my first crop to bad nutrient burn and it was a stupid rookie mistake that I vowed never to make again. Now I have these new babies that are about 10 inches tall now and growing pretty fast. The leaves are becoming discolored and yellow/gold now starting at the...
  11. ejl3321

    First timer. What am i doing wrong? (pics)

    looks like a magnesium deficiency
  12. ejl3321

    Yellowing, Drooping, Nutriant Burn? Deficiancy? Help (pics)

    If they turned uniform yellow all at once then its probably a deficiency of some sort...probably nitrogen.
  13. ejl3321

    Over-fert hydro-please help!

    You should use a something to leech the salt out like clearex. Clearex will get rid of all the salts that have been building up in your grow medium. Its like $10 for a bottle just mix some clearex with R/O water and flush them out and dont feed them for a day or two.
  14. ejl3321

    Yellowing, Drooping, Nutriant Burn? Deficiancy? Help (pics)

    You need a tds tester so you know your ppm. You can't grow hydro without knowing exactly how much nutes you are using. If you had this you would know if you burned them or if you are deficient. Did the leaves start to yellow and burn at the tips and work its way down? Or did they get...
  15. ejl3321

    White powder on clones???

    Go to your local hydro shop and get some sort of foliar spray for mildew. It worked for me. I used this organic garlic spray and it was gone in one treatment.