Recent content by Elsembrador

  1. Elsembrador

    Karma Genetics

    I fucking missed it shit !! damn family had me busy af!
  2. Elsembrador

    Karma Genetics

    Nice !!!
  3. Elsembrador

    Karma Genetics

    Oh I will be on top of this one!!
  4. Elsembrador

    Karma Genetics

    Did they really put that condition? If so awesome !! These damn resellers just hoarding packs.
  5. Elsembrador

    Karma Genetics

    What shop are they on ? Everything looks out of stock.
  6. Elsembrador

    Karma Genetics

    I was so excited to get my confirmation email and it’s results some greedy fuck took all the packs on Alibongo! I’m sure some asshole reseller will be on here or strainly trying to resell them for 10 times the price.
  7. Elsembrador

    Took 70% of my cash and put it into the stock market

    It’s baked I’m shorting this shit from here till November
  8. Elsembrador

    Karma Genetics

    I’ll be on the lookout thanks for the intel
  9. Elsembrador

    1 Pound Plant, Living Soil.

    I figured !! Those light are great !! You running in a 8x4? Is so 3 lights is pretty good coverage.
  10. Elsembrador

    1 Pound Plant, Living Soil.

    What kind of LED are you running ? btw I also have a ton of megacrop shit works.
  11. Elsembrador

    shoreline genetics

    Here’s another pic of shoreline!! What’s good hommie!!
  12. Elsembrador

    Karma Genetics

    I saw some on Strainly for 250-400$. As much as I enjoy the strain and karmas work I would not pay that. I hate resellers they ruin everything. Every Christmas I buy presents early because fucking reseller screw so many kids over. I advocate for limits per customer.
  13. Elsembrador

    Karma Genetics

    Yea and those assholes re-sell them they should cap 2 packs per person so we can all have a shot. I managed to grab 2 x headbangers from alibongo and I’m so happy as I regret not taking a cut from my run.
  14. Elsembrador

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    I will never sell my old packs those are priceless. Saving them for the apocalypse lol
  15. Elsembrador

    Karma Genetics

    Attitude is out of headbanger I managed to scoop some up from alibongo !