Recent content by Em33

  1. Em33

    Leaf browning getting worse - please help!

    Hi, I'm kinda new to this as well and only grow in clay pebbles, but as you are a fellow hydro grower I thought I'd share my thoughts..... I think you are watering too often. I let my ph swing from 5.5 to 7.5 and never had this issue, but the one time I grew in media that holds water I had the...
  2. Em33

    New To This.... Covid Grow October 2020

    Thanks :D
  3. Em33

    New To This.... Covid Grow October 2020

    So this is not my first grow..... it's my second. My fella (yes I'm a girl) lost his job through Covid, I read a couple of books and thought I knew it all..... nature proved me wrong. So here i am..... :D, I started reading the forums and you guys are a fountain of knowledge, so I thought I'd...