Recent content by epot

  1. epot

    OJ verdict

    13 years to the day of the aquital.... Back to where he should have been all along...
  2. epot

    Hello from BC Canada

    hello data....As for legalization in Canada I think it will happen. I just don't know when. I like the Green Party logic. The funds they use in law enforcement and court costs etc. can be allocated to far more serious crimes And if they allow sales at the retail level the taxes collected could...
  3. epot

    Hello from BC Canada

    yup! definitely a global thing. Forums are a great way to learn stuff. Especially when the topic is weed and how to grow it. I believe a recent poll here in Canada showed 53% of the Canadian Population voted for legalization and/or decrim. Some day eh. :wall:
  4. epot

    Hello from BC Canada

    wow there seems to be a lot of canucks here...I wonder just how many there are??? Especially here in BC. :weed:
  5. epot

    Photoshop / Illustrator Contest

    hmmm I guess I mean when does it end? :shock: anyway my entry is in my sig...
  6. epot

    Hello from BC Canada

    thank you Chiceh and hello to my neigboor down in the Kootneys. :sleep:
  7. epot

    Photoshop / Illustrator Contest

    Hello is this contest still open? thx
  8. epot

    Hello from BC Canada

    :eyesmoke: alright no complaints...I came out here from TO 10 years's southern Ont?
  9. epot

    Hello from BC Canada

    hello from bc canada...coool forum