Recent content by ESkinny

  1. ESkinny

    Flavoring Bud.

    Very true Mr.Organics. If nobody ever tried to improve great things, the world would be status quo. Just think, if the Toronto Maple Leafs were never improved...wait...bad example. Go Leafs Go?
  2. ESkinny

    Flavoring Bud.

    Panties are officially un-wadded lol. No, I wasn't trying to get personal or anything. I'm a complete amateur at growing, my first grow was a joke (wasn't planned, just germed a bag seed). RIU has helped me tremendously. So I don't really have merit when it comes to veterans like yourself. I...
  3. ESkinny

    Flavoring Bud.

    The guy was asking for "any ideas" from "anyone". I just did a little reading, and gave some ideas and clearly stated that I have no experience at all with this type of thing. You recommend products that will sweeten your bud, without increasing potency, so you're obviously after a sweeter...
  4. ESkinny

    Flavoring Bud.

    I don't think dosing your plant with extract would be wise. If you get full-strength citrus fruit extract on your skin you'll get a rash and it will burn, so imagine what it would do to your plants. It would drop your PH too. Instead, give the plant the extract near harvest. It's like dying...
  5. ESkinny


    That's some pretty cool shit. Very useful. You shouldn't definitely make a Canna/Bio-Canna calculator. Fox Farm is also a pain in the ass to get in Canada. All the reviews I've read on Bio-Canna are great, so I'm going with it.
  6. ESkinny


    After doing some more reading. I think I'm going to go with the Bio-Canna program over the Canna-Coco program. Do you only use Bio-Vega and Bio-Flores in Bio-Terra Plus, or do you also use Bio-Boost? Any PH problems with this program, or is it pretty stable?
  7. ESkinny


    I'm looking at the Canna Coco Program. Here's a link: I'm considering buying the entire program, minus the Canna-Boost at $140 for 1L. It can't improve my plant $140 worth, can it?
  8. ESkinny


    I'm considering Fox Farm and BioCanna for my nutes, I'm leaning towards Fox Farm, but BioCanna is cheaper and seems easier. Please give a review of BioCanna once you get going with it. Thanks.
  9. ESkinny

    Flavoring Bud.

    I've read a couple of ways of adding flavours to your buds, although I haven't tried any of them myself. Adding an extract to your plants water during the end of flowering. The plant will absorb the extract and retain it when you harvest. When the bud is dried and cured the moisture evaporates...
  10. ESkinny

    impress me for free glass

    I love how you talk all that bullshit, and then tell me to "save it". Obviously your story was bullshit if you get emotional when someone calls you out on it. It was 10-15 years ago? So you're AT LEAST 30-35 years old, and that's the most exciting personal story you have? Pre-heat the oven to...
  11. ESkinny

    impress me for free glass

    If you're going to make up a story, do a better job than that. You passed up $5000 flat-screen televisions for these bottles, yet this happened 15 years ago? That's kind of weird. Either you're a mook for stealing people's shit, or you're a mook for making up that horrible story. So...
  12. ESkinny

    New Logo For Rollitup. Org

    Nicely done Anjinsan, impressive. #2 and #3 make "your marijuana source" pop more. I get what you're saying about the red-tip being a visual hog. You could solve that though, instead of a burning/ashy end, make it a twistie end. It wouldn't draw too much attention, but would still let the...
  13. ESkinny

    New Logo For Rollitup. Org

    Just some food for thought. It would take it to the next level if you were able to turn that white bar under with "your marijuana source" font on it, into a joint about the same size with some shadowing to give it some depth. Nonetheless, sick logo.
  14. ESkinny

    New Logo For Rollitup. Org

    You've got my vote so far. The others are good, but I think this one would be more recognizable and marketable. I like the way you finished off the "g" in ".org", it draws your attention to the RIU guy. I'm not sure about it on a white background though. Maybe you could post a .jpg sample on a...
  15. ESkinny

    New Logo For Rollitup. Org

    People, they want professional high-res logos in .Ai format. Not just "" typed out in MS Paint over a pixelated background with a random font you found on the internet. That being said, there are a couple really good ones that have been posted. Nice job. I'm going to bust out the...