Recent content by EuroGrower2014

  1. E

    Seedling Problems! Need Help Quick.

    Thanks pal, feel a lot better now :) Is the white substance normal when they are seedlings?
  2. E

    Seedling Problems! Need Help Quick.

    Hello All, I have currently got 4 Germinated seeds in small pots and one has come through the soil and is roughly an inch tall The seedling had some soil on the top so I picked it off and then realized that I actually pulled off the seed cap :/ I am not sure if I have done something wrong or...
  3. E

    My set up plans, need opinions please, 1st time grow

    Need to sort some pics out man haha
  4. E

    My set up plans, need opinions please, 1st time grow

    Plans: 5 Northern Lights Feminized Seeds 60X120X200 Grow Tent Carbon Filter and Vent Fan Two 150mm Fans to be ran as Cooling For Lights and Aeration For Plants Nutrients - Undecided. Going to water down to 50% at 3 weeks and Feed Plants Bio Bizz Soil Hand Watered VEGETATION PERIOD...
  5. E

    There is no option to send you a private message mate

    There is no option to send you a private message mate
  6. E

    my computer does not work with skype :/

    my computer does not work with skype :/
  7. E

    They are Feminized yeah

    They are Feminized yeah
  8. E

    First Grow, Need Some Help Please!

    I think I will start with just 3 seeds :) I don't have skype no
  9. E

    First Grow, Need Some Help Please!

    So as for the carbon filter, would I only need that for the last few weeks of flowering and harvesting?
  10. E

    First Grow, Need Some Help Please!

    what would I need to cool the bulb down? I am not really sure how long I should be vegging for to be honest, I am a complete noob to this Am I right in saying the longer I veg for the larger the yield? Thanks For the advice though it's helped me a lot
  11. E

    Im new to this please HELP me out.

    Sorry to interrupt your thread, I have a question what CFL bulbs would you suggest for each plant? The strain is Northern Lights if that helps
  12. E

    First Grow, Need Some Help Please!

    would I be able to use a Cool White Bulb For the Veg stage and the Flowering stage and just change the cycle? would the light need to be run at the whole 600W during veg stage? Or is it better to use a Fluorescent light to veg? Yeah I Forgot to say they are 5 Female Seeds
  13. E

    First Grow, Need Some Help Please!

    I have just got 5 Northern Light seeds, got told they are a great plant to start with as they are very hardy. Anyway I am looking to grow 5 plants and potentially increase to 10 after seeing the yield of this first grow. So here are my questions to all you growers, 1.) what area should I be...