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    Why do my nugs have little 'towers' growing on them

    Ya, so I was pretty much ready to harvest this wkend. Most trichs were cloudy and a few ambers.... Until now. A few days ago I started to notice these little flowers (towers) growing on my flowers. Has anyone seen this before? These are appearing on 90% of my buds and all these new pistils...

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Yeah dude, trust me if I ever grow again I'm going all in. My GF isn't too keen on me growing and agreed to let me grow one. I would be murdered if I spent all that money on a 'free' plant. Not that I agree. I've enjoyed the learning experience. I can list about 50 improvements right off...

    End of 6th week flower - when should I chop??

    Thanks Dannyboy, thats what I thought.... about not having to flush when using molasses... I've been flushing every couple weeks with about 3-4 gallons of ph'd distilled water....Just to clear soil....she seems happy. When I first got her (adopted) she was overfertiziled and struggling with...

    End of 6th week flower - when should I chop??

    Hello everyone, Just wondering what you think about time left on my Plant-E. Here are a couple particulars that may help: Strain: AK47/M9 hybrid Vegged: 4 months Flower: Beginning of 7th week Light: 8 CFL's in all different spectrums Medium: Soil w/Rainbox Mix Bloom & Molasses, water weekly...

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hello everyone, Just wondering what you think about time left on my Plant-E. Here are a couple particulars that may help: Strain: AK47/M9 hybrid Vegged: 4 months Flower: Beginning of 7th week Light: 8 CFL's in all different spectrums Medium: Soil w/Rainbox Mix Bloom & Molasses, water weekly...

    Hows my girl? 2nd week flower....

    Rumor has it.... AK47 and M9 hybrid. Only one plant...... Thanks for input!

    Hows my girl? 2nd week flower....

    Hi everyone.... Hows my girl lookin'? As I said in the subject line....its half through week 2. Is it normal to have so many little bud sites? I have side lighting all around... This is my first grow. Can anyone guess yield or is it too early?

    First Grow....I'm I just paranoid (Hermie)? 2nd week flowering

    Thank you all!! I have grown rather attached to her.... Yeah, she's 26" tall now... from 13" 3-4 weeks ago. During Veg, I had 8 26w cfls 5600k's, now I have her on 3 2700k's and 3 3600k's... I had a small issue with nutelock(purple stems) but a dude on here suggested an immediate flush....and...

    First Grow....I'm I just paranoid (Hermie)? 2nd week flowering

    Hi everyone, This is my first grow and 95% sure its a female. Or was? I noticed this morning a couple of the hairs turning that normal? I got a little freaked out looking through the forums because peeps say thats a sign of a hermie. I can see around 3 little sets of these hairs...

    Suboxone dependent (for now), Looking for advice.....

    Thanks to everyone for your input. My problem is I don't want to be on it anymore....It is Expensive and I always have the fear of losing my health insurance. I've read a bunch of research that says it really helps with energy, sleep, appetite, etc. I am currently trying to get up the courage...

    Suboxone dependent (for now), Looking for advice.....

    Hello everybody, First off, sorry for being so long but I wanted to give all pertinant facts! Thank you for your time and help... I’m really looking for some advice and I’m not really sure where to turn. First off, here is a little background on myself. I have been a suboxone patient for...

    Noob w/1st grow questions, is my girl sick?

    Wow Cruzer, thats awesome...Scrog isn't it? I thought she' be to old but I see your plants about the same size. I may just do that......I guess from reading what you guys had to say I may do the flush and just keep doing the 18/6 to try to hold off on flowering until the soil is...

    Noob w/1st grow questions, is my girl sick?

    wow, I was your 6000th post...I'm honored :) I was seriously considering topping her yesterday but peeps told me it wasn't a good idea because she was already flowering and she needs all her energy...I don't want to shock her. I was going to put her under a HPS tomorrow and just let her flower...

    Noob w/1st grow questions, help needed from pros

    Thanks for the quick reply man! Thats what I thought too....I just repotted yesterday and fed with Schultz 10-15-10 plant food (takes a week to work). Do you think this would help and I should wait it out or should I use blood meal for an extra boost. Do you think I should flower now? She...

    Noob w/1st grow questions, is my girl sick?

    Hi everyone, thank you for help in advance. I rec'vd this lil' girl from a friend a couple weeks ago (see pic 1). From what I knew about her, she was an outside grow, about 3 months old. Not sure if she was cared for that well. I thought she was small.... So I'm giving her a ton of TLC. Here...