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  • Hi budman421,, there are a lot of changes that , happened. The professor is MIA.. the new bulb never happened. Turns out fluorescents aren't the new hot set up. They can grow a nice crop, but aren't as good as HPS. And use just about as much electricity. So new thing is Plasma. good to help when I can. Havent been here in a while.
    Hey there Falcon! I have been lurking on the LED WITHOUT LEDS, started by the prof. So much good info and there are a couple of regulars I would love to be able to message back and forth with, you being one of them :) I am on page 350 now, but am kind of confused. Somewhere around page 300, like a whole months data got lost. That is right when everything was good ... there was a graph proving the fiji was not that great of a bulb, the florasuns & redlifes & coral wave (for UV) were what seemed like the working combo for flowering and Pet and Prof had exciting new bulbs that were the perfect thing needed on the horizon BAM data gone, and a bunch of people basically disappeared ... what happened to the upcoming bulbs? Did anything ever come of it? Although answered earlier in the thread, it seemed to have changed many times, what seems to be the best set up in your opinion ... what happened during that month of data loss? Sorry for all the Qs man!
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