Recent content by FatLenny

  1. F

    Fire OG under PAR/PUR T5's 2nd Grow, Flowering Grow Journal

    Hey jsamuel. I couldn't tell if my pm went through or if it just disappeared so i'll post here just in case. Your plants look good. If you haven't already tapped into your cooling ducts I would consider a different and simpler option. I'm not sure how your HVAC is setup in CA, but here most...
  2. F

    friendly landlord

    hey jsamuel24, thanks for the tip. I like the Sacramento area as well, but haven't spent much time there. I just checked some real estate prices in the area, and you're right, i'll get more for my money. I like the idea of moving out there and not needing a car (for the first year or 2), so I...
  3. F

    friendly landlord

    ty all for the great replies! Mantis - I have Oakland/Valejo money.. North bay would be an awesome area to buy in, but it would be a bit out of my price range for now. perfex and curious - I have spent some time in socal, i lived in San Diego/LA. It's better living than most of the rest of...
  4. F

    friendly landlord

    You're right Saldaw its Heavenly:bigjoint: I was only referring to the propoganda consumers that would have you believe that it's not. I've pretty much scrapped the idea of buying a condo for now because there just won't be enough space to grow and live comfortably a house is a good idea, and...
  5. F

    friendly landlord

    Hey guys and girls I'm looking to move to California (preferably bay area) later this fall or maybe tomorrow. I hate my job/life in the midwest and have plenty of money saved.. so that's not an issue I've considered a few different options, and it goes something like this... #1 Buy a small...
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    health care

    Car insurance laws exist for liability reasons. You get in an accident, it's your fault, your liability insurance pays for the damage you inflicted. I've never heard of any laws mandating coverage for your own vehicle. Health care is different. You can only damage yourself by not having...
  7. F

    Boo effing hoo, it was Skittles, not a gun.

    Op is right... and I don't believe he is trolling. He's merely pointing out a very sad reality. This case is little more than a blip on the radar. Sure, it's a huge injustice, but nothing new in the whole scheme of things. We really are a culture of dumbed-down, believe anything you see on...
  8. F

    Poker Conundrum

    Hey sync0s Have you tried Carbon Poker? I played on party, tilt, and stars for years until it was all shut down... Party and stars were my only source of income for close to 18 months back when I used to know how to play. I deposited 100 on Carbon about a month ago, the transaction goes...