Recent content by fb360

  1. fb360

    It's All The Fault Of Fox News

    Ahhh good to be back RIU... I'll start off slow: Hey man, I respect you as a grower but hot damn... 1) Since WHEN the fuck has Canada had any weight or true say on ANYTHING? 2) So you are trying to say Fox News is worse than CNN, MSNBC, etc etc? By what measures? Because if your basis is that...
  2. fb360

    Police kill dog for no reason

    Seems like you are the idiot No one is saying that if a rouge dog is going to attack you that you shouldn't be able to defend yourself. In this instance however, as soon as the dog jumped out of the windows, the 4, I repeat, 4 officers, should have instantly known that the end result was going...
  3. fb360

    Police kill dog for no reason

    I agree that he probably wont be killed, and I sure do hope that none of his family are hurt, as that would be acting like the police. But, at the very minimum, now police officers everywhere are going to be more on guard and thinking 3 times before doing something that will end a life (as they...
  4. fb360

    Police kill dog for no reason

    I didn't threaten the police lol, not that you claimed I did. I just posted that it has happened and is happening. You can read it for yourself all over google. I even said that it is sad that the officers life very well may be defined by that moment that only took a couple of seconds. e...
  5. fb360

    Police kill dog for no reason

    That is called a fact, not a threat, you moron. The fact that you feel threatened because I say you like police really is starting to conclude that you very well could be a cop. What am I going to do, notify the moderators you whiny bitch?
  6. fb360

    Police kill dog for no reason

    I havent made a single threat you illiterate halfwit. Learn to read, and then maybe you can call people stupid. e; I've seemed to strike a nerve causing steam to spew out the top of your empty skull. I'm taking that as you are the cop, not a family member.
  7. fb360

    Police kill dog for no reason

    Oh man, that hurt so much. BTW, the way you feel the need to justify yourself on here just goes to show that you are really insecure, and have a tiny dick. I'll reiterate, why aren't you sucking pig dick right now? We grow pot on this forum, and dont take kindly to individuals who like the...
  8. fb360

    Merica! F*ck yeah!

    Sorry to tell you bro, but about 83% of average americans dont think at all. Crazy you havent figured that out yet. And out of that 83%, another 83% actually need graphic instructions on how to escape the burning building after they start a fire by shooting off fireworks from inside.
  9. fb360

    Police kill dog for no reason

    Anonymous, as well as 130k+ citizens have voiced their disgust with the incident. The police department has received numerous threats, and the officers information has been leaked. I give it a week tops until civil justice comes a knocking in the form of karma vengeance. Sad that 1 moment that...
  10. fb360

    Police kill dog for no reason

    They already tried to justify their actions by stating, "We have an obligation to keep the restrained man safe also". They literally have tried to justify their actions by saying that they were protecting the owner from his own dog. The police are scumbags, and karma is coming. Don't believe...
  11. fb360

    Police kill dog for no reason

    That's in hindsight of them killing the dog. My point was when he put the dog in the car with the windows down, he was unaware how long he would be cuffed for, or if he would even be released immediately. For all he knew, they could have arrested and detained him at the station. I'm totally...
  12. fb360

    Police kill dog for no reason

    Actually, both matter, but you are absolutely correct. My GSP feeds off of fear more than any dog I've ever met. If you acted scared, she will take you under her control. If you show her you are not scared, shes the biggest sweetheart in the world. And it's not just human interaction either. My...
  13. fb360

    Police kill dog for no reason

    I called you an idiot because you happen to think that taking a life is the first course of action, even when yours isnt in immediate danger. There were several different ways they could have avoided killing the animal. Period. Also, size does matter. I have a ~90 lb german shepherd, and spend...
  14. fb360

    Police kill dog for no reason

    Because the dog is acting on pure instinct. All, and I mean, ALL they had to do was let the owner walk away from them with the handcuffs on even, and get his dog settled down. They didnt even give the animal a chance. They wanted to shoot that animal The best thing they could have done was...
  15. fb360

    Police kill dog for no reason

    The owner was in handcuffs, and had put his animal in his vehicle. The dog did not need to be shot at 4 times to stop it from attacking. You're an idiot. Period. Maybe you are a little person, but 4 large humans can easily take a 140lb dog. Killing it without trying to do so, now thats over the...