Recent content by feykns

  1. F

    npk ratio

    gotcha guys... those are recipes, my bad... i am trying find the best ratio where quality hits the most... the most recommended or proven ratios mostly aiming for yield and are low on P heavy in K... i could figure out some keypoints i really would like to try in my next cycle. it is said npk...
  2. F

    npk ratio

    thanks for the post but it leads me to even more questions... how to bring those raw npk number together with those ppm values. even if i convert the raw npk to elemental npk there is no connection... for example jacks 2-2-2 would be 2-1-2 elemental, but the ppms saying 1-1-2 ratio... what am i...
  3. F

    npk ratio

    simple quetion... optimum rule of thumb ratio for flower npk ratio mostly recommended as 1-3-2 .... buuut.... does it refer to the oxide form (p2o5, k20) or to the elemental p and k?? if the oxides, after doing the math would mean 1-1.308-1.66 => 1-1-1 elemental
  4. F

    a mite to remember

    I got some amblyseius cucumeris online... the fucke the shit out of those thrips. but they had some flour mites (Acarus Siro) to feed on during the transport. I recognised them happily thriving in my used decaying soil. I never experienced any issues due to them. any of you guys know any details...
  5. F

    a mite to remember

    legitimate question... i'm into beneficial bugs as well... such cute lil mf... always runnin' aroun
  6. F

    Flushing with R O water

    t thanks brother... you guys gotta excuse me that i never post...but i've been around for a couple of years. i just live in place where i have to be a bit paranoid.
  7. F

    Flushing with R O water

    look guys... flushing is indeed important. here a little physics for understanding... 1.with flushing you don't remove nutrients wich are bonded by the plant matter.... but the plant is hydrated and this water (plant sap) contains available nutrients... if you would dry the buds, the water...