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  • hello i am a vietnam veteran who is 100% disabled with ptsd. the antidepresion meds i was taking from the VA had me bouncing literaly off the walls. when i started yelling at the shrink that the meds were killing me they doubled the dosage. since the pot that most people were selling was simply to strong for me i started using edidles cookies brownies my condition has vastlyimproved. i went from wakingup going fuck another day. to finaly getting a good nights sleep and started to actualy being able to function in an almost normal way. i no longer take any meds and my relation with my girlfriend and my old friends has greatly improved. my appitite is back and i now walk my dog every night and feel my energy coming back. i dont use mariuana to get high its still to strong for me but at the sametime it feels like a life saver. a greatfull vet. TOM
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