Recent content by fish601

  1. fish601

    2 tap roots?

    i planted a few seeds without germinating them in a pot and 2 plants poped up i pulled one out and broke the tap root, and planted in its own container. will it produce 2 tap roots kinda like when i tip a plant?
  2. fish601

    growing outdoor all year

    If Average Temperature range from a high of 92.5 degrees to a low of 34.9 degrees. I could grow marijuana all year long right? with maybe on cold nights cover with a green house?
  3. fish601

    what temp will cause harm

    so if Average TemperatureMonthly average temperatures range from a high of 92.5 degrees to a low of 34.9 degrees. i could grow all year long right? with maybe on cold nights cover with a green house?
  4. fish601

    what temp will cause harm

    How cold and/or hot does it need to get inorder to kill a marijuana plant
  5. fish601

    Is Christianity Safe?

    1 Peter 2:15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men--
  6. fish601

    Religion Poisons Everything

    without evil there could be no good. Its his perfect plan... you just be your own god, wheres that gona get you?
  7. fish601

    There Is No Devil.

    millions haha hoax jokes its all fun
  8. fish601

    Evolution Is A Theory On Which You Base A Religion

    just a guess but i think these scientist came up with the hole evolution theory
  9. fish601

    There Is No Devil.

    ................................ Acts 17:24-31 The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and...
  10. fish601

    Clone And Age

  11. fish601


    Can marijuana survive in a outdoor non heated greenhouse during the winter
  12. fish601

    Clone And Age

    Chronologically the cuttings will be the same age as their parent plant If a plant has a life span of 10 years and on the 9th year i take a clone will the clone live 10years or 1year?
  13. fish601

    Please help with ALGAE!!!

    you answer can be found here
  14. fish601

    I Have A ? For You Religious People.

    The origin of the Catholic Church is the tragic compromise of Christianity with the pagan religions that surrounded it. Church: It is people who believe In the real jesus the jesus of the holy bible. It is people who in an instant became a changed person changed by realizing that there is a...