Recent content by FlyHigh589

  1. FlyHigh589

    Looking to pay someone for help dialing in a friends grow

    Pk13/14 is only used for 7-10 days during the swell and that is the period his plants receive the highest ppm, around 840-880 ppm. This rising drain-off EC seems to start in a while before he ever uses the PK boost but I can certainly have him nix it and see how it goes. I’ll let him know to...
  2. FlyHigh589

    Looking to pay someone for help dialing in a friends grow

    ppm on the .5 scale. I’ve included a few pics I took tonight, but his pans drain out underneath the building. He uses 3 drippers per plant and it seems like solidly even coverage. The lights are all LEDs, some are COB style, most are quantum board style but he is only able to push his lights to...
  3. FlyHigh589

    Looking to pay someone for help dialing in a friends grow

    I’ve been growing several years now with, usually, little to no issues. A friend recently started a similar style grow to mine, only bigger in scale, but he is having some issues which are apparently outside of my knowledge as I’ve struggled to help him. The medium is CannaCoco bricks and...
  4. FlyHigh589


    Better. Same thing but EXTREMELY concentrated… I believe hydroguard is somewhere like 3ish % while Southern AG is in the high 90s, of the same bacillus amyloliquefaciens.
  5. FlyHigh589

    Endorsement Thread

    Look for the apple bottom pheno that turns completely purple, yield is fantastic, high bag appeal, complex and solid nose. From what I grew, it was the for sure the best. Wish you the best of luck, friend. I still have plenty of free half-packs I’m willing to send to anyone who will tell me a...
  6. FlyHigh589

    Edibles for dogs

    From what I have read, do NOT give your dogs thc; cbd can help, but apparently, canines don’t process thc the same as humans and it is not a good idea. I took the same route as you, trying to provide my 13 year old German shepherd with some pain management. This was several years back and I...
  7. FlyHigh589

    Can anyone vouch for “LEGIT Cuts”?

    Get an invite to the Clone Zone discord server… several HIGHLY reputable dealers are doing reliable business. I’ve had great experiences with GMO House of Clones and have heard great things about Dr. Tasty as well. Msg me if you want an invite; I’d post it public but the servers just got purged...
  8. FlyHigh589

    Panic stations! Urgent need of advise!

    You have nothing at all to worry about. Personally, I’d be shocked it there was a recovery period at all. I doubt anything negative will come from it at all, especially since it wasn’t mid bloom but right at the start. And to each their own, but I’d recommend keeping the 12-12 schedule.. I don’t...
  9. FlyHigh589

    Did I get screwed?

    Hand watering is fine, but you do want to water it until there is some drainage, preferably 10-15% of the total volume watered. Be careful not to water too frequently though. Water only when needed until there is plenty of root mass, but always water to drain to avoid any salt buildup. Once your...
  10. FlyHigh589

    Cltvtd or purple city clones outside of California?

    if you are on discord, Dr. Tasty has there gear in stock most of the time
  11. FlyHigh589

    Had to harvest one plant early what to do

    Main concern is that after some time, that root mass will start to rot and decay which in turn can cause issues, but seeing as you’re close to finishing, I would think it should be fine.
  12. FlyHigh589

    does anyone have any ideas on whats wrong here please?

    More information will be needed for diagnosing issues. What are you growing in? What are you feeding? Estimated par? (or atleast watts and light type)
  13. FlyHigh589

    I need seeds badly.

    Can do. Pm me an address and I’ll get them out Tuesday. Once they land, you can reimburse shipping through cashapp if you choose. Only thing I ask in return is a good story. Everyone has atleast a few experiences that are special and memorable. Doesn’t have to be a whole book but I’d appreciate...
  14. FlyHigh589

    I need seeds badly.

    Tell your cat to pick a few seeds from the list and get to growing!