Recent content by foodcooker

  1. foodcooker

    John Titor. Time Travel.

    I believe that it is very possible that somewhere between 1975 and 1999 something happened, that may have been minor at the time, different in our worldline than in John Titor's. John was 3 worldlines away from his original worldline, he may not have realized that a small even took place...
  2. foodcooker

    Can somebody tell me if this is normal ??

    cant tell what the curl looks like in that picture. maybe a pH problem.
  3. foodcooker

    oops, left the light on....

    So today, the small cfl in the grow room that is connected to the switch on the wall was left on for 6 hours after lights out. The girls are in their final week, I'm thinking im just gunna let them finish out, but I wanted to know if you all here thought that was the right decision as well. I...
  4. foodcooker

    So I just ordered pizza...

    I deal with these people on a daily basis. I can say that 99.9% of the time, even if your a SERIOUS douche who totally deserves it, your food still isn't fucked with. (a lot of us in the kitchen take some damn pride in what we do) ....but fuck with the wrong person on the wrong day..... Let's...
  5. foodcooker

    What's a deal breaker for you?

    Seriously!!!!!! I love munchin the box, so return the damn favor!!!!
  6. foodcooker

    So I just ordered pizza...

    apparently, we are short of members who have made a career out of the restaurant industry if everyone is so offended by this special wing sauce.
  7. foodcooker

    Home brewed TGA genetics strain...dont have a name yet!!

    well, the hermie genetics have reared their ugly heads. Found some 'nanners and even a seed (gasp!!) on the tall one so it came out of the garden 2 days ago and put into isolation. Its getting flushed and harvested to be used for smokeables during the big trim (only 2 weeks away now) The other...
  8. foodcooker

    Failing third year attempt, please help!

    This is just my opinion/thoughts- It looks like you may have compounded an under watering problem with an overwatering. (I know that sounds odd but it's very possible) Letting the plant get so dry that it begins to wilt can be really bad because in the dry pockets of soil, salt crystals form...
  9. foodcooker

    just me again with a qustion

    I just gave the girls shooting powder for the first time today (week 6). I'll let you know how it turns out
  10. foodcooker

    Lick it before you stick it!!!

    If I could do that shit, I wouldnt ever leave the house.
  11. foodcooker

    Badass Movie Scenes!

    Would it be frowned upon to post the entire "Pulp Fiction" fim???:lol::lol:
  12. foodcooker

    Do people who smoke weed have dreams?

    I've heard this before too, but I frequently have pretty vivid, even sometimes lucid dreams. I think a lot of it depends on how long you've smoked and how your brain has adapted.
  13. foodcooker

    Week 7 flowering Need help.

    if it is only happening on some leaves, this COULD be caused by patches in the soil drying out faster than others, when this happen the roots that are in the dry patch get salt build up on them and you see these random spots of necrosis. When you feed/water are you giving enough so that the...
  14. foodcooker

    monday, tuesday power outages?

    Phew!! power never left. Thank you electricity gods!!
  15. foodcooker

    Busted - Personal grow in Raleigh, NC, USA - Ask me anything (AMA :)

    I live in a MMJ state and I have a MMJ license and I'm STILL careful about pulling into a grow shop and dumping leaves. I know that I am within my protection of the law, but that dosent mean they wont kick down the door, rip up plants, take lights and fans and then just bounce with no charges...