Recent content by francy420

  1. francy420

    Mohican's 2016 Season

    @hyroot yeah I got to have a nice long sesh and talk with Frenchy Cannoli yesterday about processing fully cured resin vs. fresh frozen, and good talk on terpenes and how they are made and what the pre-cursers are and where they come from. Love talking to that guy. Love his passion, accent...
  2. francy420

    Mohican's 2016 Season

    Yeah what a disappointment seeing a rosin beat out Cubans sift for the "solvent less" win. Fuckers at high times bunched all solven less extracts together. Bullshit and we all know it. Its like they have a new agenda to push bho even more than before.
  3. francy420

    Mohican's 2016 Season

    @hyroot yeah man just coming out of hiding. Still need to start all new accounts under my new Handle. The powers to be in the hash world have been accepting me with open arms and it is amazing. I have only been doing this legally for like 2 months and have the blessing from people like Cuban...
  4. francy420

    Mohican's 2016 Season

    Thank you D Urbmon I go by Dry_Sift_Jedi on instagram and @resinranchextraction, and
  5. francy420

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Chewberto are you going to make the LA cup either weekend?
  6. francy420

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Nice Chewberto I see Hightimes used that photo. Congrats
  7. francy420

    Dry Sift - Pollen Collector

    I do have pics and will try to get them up
  8. francy420

    Dry Sift - Pollen Collector

    Yeah I built my own. Just ordered a few yards of 110 line mesh and cut 2 round pieces of plywood. Used a long threaded rod to make the drum and stapled the fabric to the plywood. Dropped that into a Rubbermaid container and walla. Will not make full melt. You only get full melt dry sift...
  9. francy420

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Just some shots of this weeks bubble run. I like the "Bubblenow" machine better. It has a slower rpm than the Dropbag machine. Makes a cleaner product. 120u came out about a 5* melt.
  10. francy420

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Yeah I figured that is why I said something. You will be much more pleased with the results. Gotta start somewhere though right?
  11. francy420

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Dude you gotta press the hash in a pressing screen to separate all the contaminant from the oil.
  12. francy420

    OHO (organic hash oil)

    Yeah man I am a purest. 99.9% dry sift, 5*+ melts, or it gets rosin'd. I will admit I will probably try this some day I have a bunch of lower grade hashes laying around. I used to do second solvent cleanings on bho all the time. It never occurred to me to try it with a non oil type hash.
  13. francy420

    OHO (organic hash oil)

    Sorry bro it is cool, but not at all new. Absolutely no different than a second solvent cleaning. You are just starting with a non petroleum based extract to start. But then the kicker you add alcohol. I think most purists will agree there is no need to "clean" rosin, or full melt sift, or...
  14. francy420

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    The barb I got is very lemony, and piney. I like it. High is good nothing extraordinary.
  15. francy420

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Lost Coast Hash Plant 73u