Recent content by FrankHerbert

  1. FrankHerbert

    2x2' Tent/2x 120W Samsung QB/60L Pot/Organic soil/White Widow/LST

    You are totally right. I use coco in my ferns (1:3) with success and give it a try in this mix. I've read about coco caused nutrient unbalance only after mix everything (research, research, research, just to increase the amount of mistakes, welcome to my life). I only used 1:5 coconut in the...
  2. FrankHerbert

    2x2' Tent/2x 120W Samsung QB/60L Pot/Organic soil/White Widow/LST

    Yes. There is 1:5 of coco coir in the soil (in powder form, not entire fibers). I use it just to increase water retention in the mix. This was my first organic soil recipe. In the last cycle I have problems with magnesium deficiency that forced me to add magnesium sulfate when watering (coco...
  3. FrankHerbert

    2x2' Tent/2x 120W Samsung QB/60L Pot/Organic soil/White Widow/LST

    Hello there, I'm starting a new cycle and, this time, I'll try to get everything registered. Yesterday I soaked one seed (Dutch Passion WW) in tap water and I'll transfer it today to a 300ml cup. Meanwhile, I'll be cleaning the tent with H2O2 and making some minor upgrades. The pot (60L) and...
  4. FrankHerbert

    Powdery mildew?

    updating: the milk didn't work very well, I soon noticed new outbreaks of white mildew I sprayed baking soda (1 tablespoon per liter) with hydrogen peroxide (4 tablespoons per liter) and dish soap (4 tablespoons per liter) my doubt: after spraying the baking soda I noticed that the pistils...
  5. FrankHerbert

    Powdery mildew?

    I only have one plant and there are no more visible fungus spots. I'm going to try milk, peroxide and soap to see if I can keep it from growing again. My city is very dry but these days it rained a lot. Ventilation was not enough either. This created a good environment for the fungus. I had...
  6. FrankHerbert

    Powdery mildew?

    I cut the most affected leaves and improved air circulation. I do not have humidity control. 5-6th week of flowering What else can I do?
  7. FrankHerbert

    60 liter pot drain and watering

    I finally got a 60 liter pot for my 2x2 cabin do I have to put a (gravel) drain layer? I have doubts on how to water the plant in this large pot too. Should I moisten the soil before transplanting the seedling? When watering, should I wet the entire surface or just around the seedling?
  8. FrankHerbert

    no perlite and no peat soil

    I modified the recipe a little. I will leave it here for future reference. Ideas are welcome 2.5L coconut 10L organic garden soil 5L carbonized rice husk 2.5L EWC 4 spoons of bokashi 1 spoon of mammon meal (nitrogen rich) 1 spoon of chicken manure 4 spoons of cow manure 1 spoon of bone meal
  9. FrankHerbert

    no perlite and no peat soil

    I was researching locally available slow release potassium sources. The only one I found was Saltpeter from Chile (potassium nitrate), but it has a lot of N. I have a little wood ash but I don't know how much to use. There are other easy-to-get alternatives, but only for watering or foliar spray...
  10. FrankHerbert

    no perlite and no peat soil

    I'm mixing a new batch of soil. I would like to exchange the pearlite for carbonized rice husk and I do not intend to use peat, to be environmentally friendly. I don't have branded products where I live, only garden/agronomic generics available. 5L coconut 10L organic garden soil 2.5L...
  11. FrankHerbert

    3rd week of flowering, yellow leaves

    The plants have been in these pots for 5 weeks. I will try to implement the sips or try another way to keep the roots moist I'll try to correct it in the next soil batch. Half would be enough? Should I forget about the deficiency and correct these defects first? Can I prune the yellowed...
  12. FrankHerbert

    3rd week of flowering, yellow leaves

    well ... i'm doing more research before changing anything. The stems of the plants are purple, and the symptoms look like K deficiency. I'm putting more pictures I measured the pH of the slurry: 7.6. The water I use for irrigation has 7.2 can i correct the pH of the water before watering, does...
  13. FrankHerbert

    3rd week of flowering, yellow leaves

    Thank you bro. I made these cuts to test my clone machine, it wasn't really to increase budsites (not the first intention). I am testing LST, mainfold, in different plants, to know which technique I adapt best. Everything is more difficult when we try to do it in practice :) Your guess is...
  14. FrankHerbert

    3rd week of flowering, yellow leaves

    It would be great to be able to follow the recipes that I see from North America but here I don't have these brands. I have to use generic garden brands that are not always reliable If anyone can help me with my solo recipe, I would appreciate it. Otherwise I will continue testing, I have no...
  15. FrankHerbert

    3rd week of flowering, yellow leaves

    I have hydroponic nutrients (1-2-7) that I could use immediately to correct.