Recent content by freddiemoney

  1. freddiemoney

    The Claw

    Leaves will go very dark, turn floppy and weak and claw before they ever dry out and fall off. If there was a K deficiency the tips of the leaves would be burnt and usually curling up, before the older leaves went yellow and spotty.
  2. freddiemoney

    The Claw

    Brick Top has the right advice for you. Judging from the pics, the outer margins of your leaves are turning mushy and almost blue, not burning and dying like a K def.
  3. freddiemoney

    Alternative to Mason Jars?

    3 or 5 gallon pails with tight lids. I bet almost any restaurant you go to will give you a few. Try to get one that was holding oil or something rather than pickles. :blsmoke:
  4. freddiemoney

    How powerful of a fan needed to cool a 400 watt hps in Cooling tube?

    Are you having a conversation with yourself here? :bigjoint:
  5. freddiemoney

    Questions about Ripening at Cycles of 8-10 Hours

    What context was this used in? It sounds like tips for flowering long-season sativas.
  6. freddiemoney

    Two questions about setting up a grow room

    Good luck on the outdoor! With a good season you should have no problems picking up a couple of 400s in the fall. :bigjoint:
  7. freddiemoney

    Topping Questions There's a guide to get you started on topping. It's a sticky at the top of the Advanced section. If you take the tops as clones they will take anywhere from 1-3 weeks to be well-rooted and...
  8. freddiemoney

    Lighting Timers for at least Two 1K Lights?

    Are your circuits set up as 220-240V? If not, you really don't want to run multiple 1000s on a single circuit. There is a nice post on the site somewhere about setting up a relay system to use a low-power timer in order to trigger multiple lights which could be another option for you.
  9. freddiemoney

    Two questions about setting up a grow room

    There are some deals around the net on ballasts etc. If you're handy with wiring and can figure out the diagrams, a lighting supply company will have the components cheaper than if they're being sold as grow lights. A junkyard can also be a decent place to look for components. (Old street lights...
  10. freddiemoney

    Timing of Topping and the Start of Flowering

    Nice save! Looks like the HID lighting really sped things up for you.
  11. freddiemoney

    Two questions about setting up a grow room

    2 400w lights will be plenty to do 4-5 plants and get a nice yield from them. How much square footage they will need all depends on how big you want to grow them. You could line them up all in a row about 6 feet long with the 2 lights spaced evenly overhead. I'm wondering about the sockets you...
  12. freddiemoney

    Timing of Topping and the Start of Flowering

    If you have some more seeds, you'd probably be better off starting over at this point. You've put in a month of veg time so far in order to grow those leaves, and by cutting them all off you've killed any potential the plant had to grow nice buds. The smaller plants may recover, if given enough...
  13. freddiemoney

    Angryblackman's Ugly Outdoor Grow 2011

    Glad to see you've got another thread for this year's crop! I'll be following along.
  14. freddiemoney

    is it mids if you find one seed

    "Mids" is just mid-grade, middle of the road pot, as far as I know. It's also pretty subjective. The seed doesn't really factor into it, just the potency.