Recent content by Freewifi1234

  1. F

    Help!!!! - week 14

    Do I travel a lot snd hsd to leave these with other caretakers at times… results were a week with the lights off, extreme lack of water, etc. Lol it’s been a learning experience snd st this point I just want some herb that’s a reasonable smoke / can roll monster js with. Going to let it rock...
  2. F

    Help!!!! - week 14

    So interestingly enough I only gave them big bloom from fox farms (heavy in k and p). Then this whole issue started. There was a previous post that said I killed them with nutes/ it was a cal mag def. Gave them a light dose of cal mag. Things got a little better, but I honestly think it was a ph...
  3. F

    Help!!!! - week 14

    Going with this. Appreciate it
  4. F

    Help!!!! - week 14

    Fair enough. Two more weeks and I’ll revisit. Tbh at this point it’s just been a learning experience.
  5. F

    Help!!!! - week 14

    Thanks for the input, yes I know I got a little heavy handed with nutes. I think the soil was a little hot as well as some ph issues. First grow, so for sure a lessoned learned. Top cola all pistols are red / brown, lower half pretty immature. Was considering cutting it snd just taking the top...
  6. F

    Help!!!! - week 14

    I’m also leaving town in 3 weeks, snd want to actively monitor the dry (planning on doing full plant hang at 60f and 60rh for two weeks). Going to have to actively monitor the room, so I’m either chopping this weekend, or waiting three weeks and chopping (which feels like it would be too long of...
  7. F

    Help!!!! - week 14

    Hi All, week 14 of growth, not sure if she is ready or if it needs more time / could bulk up more. First grow, second plant of the crop; harvested first one way too early snd quite disappointed with the yield / quality. This plant seems to be doing better but has had ph/nute issues. The plants...
  8. F

    Rusty brown spots spreading..

    While we are at it, any thoughts on why the bud sites are so small? It’s my first grow… thinking these are about a month out? Sprouted from the ground at the end of oct (gorilla glue auto from ILGM) it’s my first grow, sotrying to get a feel for it.
  9. F

    Rusty brown spots spreading..

    You are the man. Thanks for all the feedback
  10. F

    Rusty brown spots spreading..

    Heard that. Will hit it with cal mag tomorrow. Any thoughts on the dark green leaves?
  11. F

    Rusty brown spots spreading..

    Lol thanks. I’ve trolled so many forums, figured I’d just post at this point to get some legit feedback
  12. F

    Rusty brown spots spreading..

    I thought this was a possibility too, but have been feeding them big bloom, which has phosphorus… thinking I fed it too often and now my ph is messed up and it’s locking our cal/mag
  13. F

    Rusty brown spots spreading..

    I’m thinking I flush the plants again, let them get bone dry, hit them with a light dose of cal /mag and hope for the best? Idk how the nitrogen become an issue, cause I’ve only given it big bloom… soil must just be hot in nitrogen I guess? First picture is of the first plant, was kind of a...
  14. F

    Rusty brown spots spreading..

    Oh and no bugs. Have had a few outdoor grows and am familiar with those. I did however consider it to be some kind of fungus, but really think it’s a ph / nutrient issue
  15. F

    Rusty brown spots spreading..

    Thanks for all of the input. For soil I forgot exactly what I used but believe it’s a mix of perlite, peat moss, and some soil? Followed some recommendation for autoflower soil online. I initially thought it was a cal/mag deficiency due to lock out, but agree adding in suplimemts is a good...