Recent content by freshtodeath

  1. F

    LST or Top & LST-Auto

    Hi fellow growers, I have an Auto growing at the mo, I usually do photo's but trying to cut down time between harvests, so I'm seeing how this is going to come out. I want to try to maximise yield, what would you guys recommend? Thanks in advance
  2. F

    Seedling not shelling issue..

    Thanks guys, I'll try out these techniques and see what if it works.
  3. F

    Seedling not shelling issue..

    So I've started growing these 2 autos at the same time and one is growing fine whilst the other literally won't come out it's shell. I've prised it open 2 days ago but still nothing. Is there anything else I can do or is this one done??? it's meant to be a premium seed so I don't really want to...
  4. F

    Simple Mulch question?

    Oh ok, and that's ok to top feed etc?
  5. F

    Simple Mulch question?

    Ok, thank you.
  6. F

    Simple Mulch question?

    Ok, thanks, so in theory, a top layer of coco, with no nutes, could also be used as a barrier for them too?
  7. F

    Simple Mulch question?

    Thanks, I just thought of Coco as a layer because when I previously grew with it, gnats wasn't one of the problems I had.
  8. F

    Simple Mulch question?

    Hi guys, I have some coco soil here and some perlite from previous grows, but im currently growing in soil, can I use either of these things as a 1-2" crop cover? mainly for gnat prevention tbh. Thanks
  9. F

    Gnat prevention ideas pls?

    Hey, no cover at the mo. I have Perlite here and didn't think I could use it because I thought it would get in the way of top dressing but I'll try it.
  10. F

    Gnat prevention ideas pls?

    Thank you, much appreciated
  11. F

    Gnat prevention ideas pls?

    We don't have Gnatrol in the UK, I think its Lava Lite is the equivalent over here.
  12. F

    Gnat prevention ideas pls?

    Thanks guys, I don't have any at the mo, I've dealt with the last batch, and cleaned the area, just trying to avoid a repeat tbh.
  13. F

    Gnat prevention ideas pls?

    So I switched over to organic growing last year and whilst I think the smoke is probably better, and it's an easier grow method in general for me, I've had issues with gnats in every grow. I'm about to start my next grow and wonder if there are any preventative tips that you can recommend, apart...
  14. F

    Vent help needed pls???

    So I've converted a cabinet that I was going to get rid of into a little grow chamber because where I was doing it before had 'height' and space issues. I'm 95% done but when I connected the extractor fan, it was way too noisy for my liking (this is in my room), the question I need to know is...
  15. F

    Enough ventilation??

    Hey all, im currently making a cabinet grow box, I have put holes in the shelf that is connecting the carbon filter to the extraction fan, which will be on top. I haven't got a jigsaw so had to use my drill, is this enough ventilation to be able to connect the two, via ducting and duct tape...