Recent content by Furrowx

  1. F

    Dude, your girl has a good eye for catching minor details. That was crazy that we met at the...

    Dude, your girl has a good eye for catching minor details. That was crazy that we met at the Shell and didn't even realize who the other person was. This grow is going to be fun. 3/5 are startin to get smelly pants. and some nice thick stems, tons of nodes and bud site are starting to form. I...
  2. F

    4 Diff. AUTOS in a "VERTICLE" Perpetual/Stagger crop A.K.A. AUTOBOTS, TRANSFORM!!

    LOL, which one he says.......If all your seeds haven't germd yet, there are some seeds that need a little persuasion. Have you heard of scrubbing/scarring your seeds before germing? It basically helps sees with tougher outer shells to break through with less of a struggle. The basic concept is...
  3. F

    Mom found garden, selling starters.

    Awsome. They are on a light routine right now of, 5am-11pm. And just being updated or being able to stop by or hang out and see what they turn out like and maybe a little of the end product would be enough for me to put them in good hands. I just want anything but to not have to destroy them...
  4. F

    Mom found garden, selling starters.

    I have a few people I am asking with prop 215 cards. This is my mother in law, and she had a bad experience with an ex-husband in the past. And she still believes all the myths that were created about cannabis. She is very uneducated in the up-to-date studies. All in all, I stood my ground, I am...
  5. F

    Mom found garden, selling starters.

    Hey everyone. Today my garden was found in the closet of the room I am staying in. I have no other place to move them or keep them, so I am going to sell these 5 lovely 6"+ starters. This strain is "ICE" from Nirvana seeds banks. They germinated in under 24hrs, so these are fresh, good genetic...
  6. F

    15 day old "Cheese" problem pics input appreciated

    No problem on the reply. I was trying to post something that had facts and not give any wild assumptions. I am on my 2nd indoor grow, so i'm noobin it along. But I have found lots of invaluable info in these forums from what appears to be highly respected members. A lot of people who claim...
  7. F

    15 day old "Cheese" problem pics input appreciated

    Not going to throw any wild theories up, or try to guess, but this is what I found when I did a search for "crinkly leaf problems" Crinkle Leaf Disease This disease is very common and is caused by Mycosphaerella spp.. Grey or brown blotches (lesions) occur on the leaves. These dry out and...
  8. F

    ONCE AND FOR ALL! Please a real pro help the NEWB'S! FANS/FILTERS

    That's what i'm talking about. The experienced helping the inexperienced. One team one fight!
  9. F

    ONCE AND FOR ALL! Please a real pro help the NEWB'S! FANS/FILTERS

    Man, am I glad I stumbled onto this posting. I was about to do it this way. Hood>fan>exhaust>filter. I would have felt like a jackass if I would have done that.
  10. F

    Will this plant stop growing soon?

    Just going to go out on a limb here. But if you can control the temp for the first couple weeks, it should theoretically slow down the stretch and level out. From all I have been reading, when you give those ladies optimum temps they just grow like a weed.......pffft. So maybe try keeping your...
  11. F

    Question about Germination method

    Yeah, scarring/scrubbing. Some people say that lining a matchbox with some sand paper and shaking the seeds around in it works for them. Some seeds are just stubborn. You will find that patience is the key to not killing your plants or creating problems for them. I am on day 15 of my first...
  12. F

    Question about Germination method

    Hey Asquad. Just to share my experience on my 2nd germination. I put about 2 inches of water in a small dish, one of my old tarantula water dishes. Dumped out 5 seeds from my baggy, put a small potting pot over the top to make it light proof, then sat it on my router. (Be very careful doing...
  13. F

    Looking for some RIU opinions on day 14

    What's up everyone? This is my first post, my first grown and my first pics. I am just looking for outside opinions on how my plants are looking. This will be day 14 since germinating the seeds. I am currently using a 50/50 mix of MG potting soil and s soil that claims it is hard to under/over...