Recent content by galgo

  1. G

    LED COB Heat sink check

    Hey all thanks so much for your advice, I've never looked at alibaba or poweralia before so they're both great resources to know about. Most of the Poweralia boards don't seem to have a thermal resistance value, though I can probably guess at it by comparing to others I've seen that do...
  2. G

    LED COB Heat sink check

    Ok all thanks - how do you decide on which heat sink to use? Is there a general rule of thumb you can apply?
  3. G

    LED COB Heat sink check

    Hey all, I'm putting together a DIY LED COB lighting build, and I just want a sense check on my passive heat sink plans. I followed's advice on calculating requirements, however the heat sink he used looks to be over £20 each - so my 4 lights will need £90 worth of cooling...