Recent content by gangstaxskata

  1. gangstaxskata

    Homemade aircooled light

    also i cant buy online im not 18 so i cant get a credit card to order stuff thats a bitch even if i could i wouldnt want any thind traced bac to me
  2. gangstaxskata

    Homemade aircooled light

    it is venting are you blind and speed i thought it would melt also but its doin good i use a really thick layer
  3. gangstaxskata

    Homemade aircooled light

    shit mayn i never thought about it what categorie was it under
  4. gangstaxskata

    Bubble Gum Kush - Medical Marijuana Closet Grow

    nice man ill keep an eye out on this grow
  5. gangstaxskata

    Homemade aircooled light

    see i cant buy online and all my hydro stores around me thier lights cost a GRIP!!!!
  6. gangstaxskata

    My first attempt at growing

  7. gangstaxskata

    Homemade aircooled light

    well i have been go threw a bit of a heat issue i came up with this!! My lighting is a Home made aluminum sheet folded at the sides . Y light sockets holding CFL’s I have 6 23watts Daylight, 4 23wats soft white, and 1 43wat 1 47watt soft white. these babies produced heat i thought...
  8. gangstaxskata

    Homemade aircooled light

    well i have been go threw a bit of a heat issue i came up with this!! My lighting is a Home made aluminum sheet folded at the sides . Y light sockets holding CFL’s I have 6 23watts Daylight, 4 23wats soft white, and 1 43wat 1 47watt soft white. these babies produced heat i thought that...
  9. gangstaxskata

    begginers asking for help.

    CFLZ are best for small grow and more energy efficent
  10. gangstaxskata

    VENTING PROBLEM (pics) !!!!

    yea ima have to smoke a blunt and think about it FOCUS
  11. gangstaxskata

    First Indoor Hydro DWC. Six foot sativa! What do you think?

    Nice mayn i tried dwc it didnt work out well for me now im drip :)
  12. gangstaxskata

    begginers asking for help.

    foil is a bad idea FLAT WHITE PAINT has way better reflecting
  13. gangstaxskata

    VENTING PROBLEM (pics) !!!!

    i dont have an intake i dont know where to place it and the exhaust about 6"
  14. gangstaxskata

    begginers asking for help.

    I go with sunnyd grow faq also type of grow play part hydro/soil, and strian
  15. gangstaxskata

    Rockwool temp?

    wat good well quick question does the rockwool temp take a main roll? FOR EXAMPLE: if my room temps got up to 88F BUT my rockwool temp was at 78F will my plants still do fine or will it be too hot AND JUS CAUSE STRESS?????