Garlic Bud expert

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  • Hi there,

    Saw you are looking for Black Afghani in the Strayfox thread. I have Bodhi's DLA 16, and from Stray - Basic Afghani Haze ((Duke's Basic Skunk 16 x Holy Grail Haze) x Black Afghani Skunk), as well as Black GMO (GMO x Black Afghani Skunk). Cheers
    Garlic Bud expert
    Garlic Bud expert
    Black GMO sounds tasty.
    Lmk if you want to trade for that DLA 16 , I have a vast collection as well I've grown and just finished many things from Stray and Bodhi, 2 of my faves alltime
    Garlic Bud expert
    Garlic Bud expert
    Hey this is cool. Chat on my profile. Definitely like to share my seed list for trades.

    I'm trying to visit here more.
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