Recent content by GAS

  1. GAS

    Drip system problem

    Back flush... good idea why did'nt I think of that.Thats why your the man! I just need to limp along another week and I will be cutting down. I will take the lines out and flush them befor the next crop goes in.
  2. GAS

    Drip system problem

    O... another weird thing there are 10 lines and they all slow equally. It would make more sense if it were only some of the lines. I have no more room to put up a gavity feed. I think I might replace the whole line.There must be something in it some where...
  3. GAS

    Drip system problem

    Thanks for the guess Al b. The pump is fully submerged. I have put my finger over the inlet of the pump after the lines quit flowing... there is some suction but not much after doing that it will start flowing again but slow to stop. Is it possible to something in the lines that build up under...
  4. GAS

    Drip system problem

    I would agree changing out the lines would be an easy cheap fix. The part that puzzels me is it starts strong and peters out. If they are pluged would'nt they start slow?
  5. GAS

    Drip system problem

    I have bin running a drip system for a year now... lately the flow starts good and then slows down to a stop. I thought it was the pump going bad (350gph little giant). Replaced with 350gph little giant direct drive and having same problem. The weird part is if you turn the pump off and turn it...
  6. GAS

    Pre Harvest question

    I am freindly, just careful of public info...:roll:
  7. GAS

    Pre Harvest question

    I also see the same mountain. :mrgreen: