Recent content by georgi345

  1. georgi345

    Ground Zero Mosque

    RickWhite, this song's for you ==>
  2. georgi345

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    amen. there's an amazing amount of hate on this thread (and indeed these boards in general). i suppose angry young men 'need' to be angry young men... but that doesn't make it any less uncivil, distasteful, and plain silly if it weren't so ugly. 'trouble is that it seems not too many folks these...
  3. georgi345

    Biodynamic / Terra Preta grow

    that's a great read. many thanks! it's always good to keep learning and tinkering!! :twisted: some of the stuff i'm starting to explore now has to do with intercropping and use of maize as a char source... but the zapotec zea's a bitch to work with in an experimental setup, and if anything...
  4. georgi345

    Biodynamic / Terra Preta grow

    hey all 'harvested the biodynamic/terra preta bluecheese (the first in this grow cycle) and wow! that's the sweetest yerba i've certainly ever had!! go indigenous agriculture! :weed: anyhoo, @davec: 'dunno if i'm actually "back", but i'll prob be popping by from time to time... the char...
  5. georgi345

    Biodynamic / Terra Preta grow

    hehehe 'been tripping balls off the AUH1 since thanksgiving (except for a little claire voyance interlude in the land o the mixtecos)... 'pulled 3.5ozs off the one plant which has been keeping me and my vape quite happily busy. :weed: anyhoo, the new all-biodynamic/terra preta AUH1 and BFBC...
  6. georgi345

    How to make Tea?

    this is, as always, great info from ohsogreen. thanks for reposting his tips. the original (and highly informative) thread may be found here ==>
  7. georgi345

    How to make Tea?

    ==> :eyesmoke: cheers -g
  8. georgi345

    How to make Tea?

    or too stoned to post... i know i am. 1TBL of your desired manure/compost per gal H2O, aerate (vortex is best imho, but airstone works perfectly well and is cheap and easy... 'course you can also hand stir like in the ol' days...) use in media or as a foliar spray depending on your...
  9. georgi345

    'looks like 'topping round one' went well! did you root the cuttings? cheers, g

    'looks like 'topping round one' went well! did you root the cuttings? cheers, g
  10. georgi345

    Arjan's Ultra Haze #1 - popcorn smoke test

    latest trich pics from the popcorn... 40x 200x 400x cheers -g :joint:
  11. georgi345

    Optional forum "looks"

    ugh same probs here hope this all gets fixed soon cause this all really sucks
  12. georgi345

    Biodynamic / Terra Preta grow

    the polished rocks on top are moss agate and are mostly there just to help me keep the relative orientations of the plants straight. the magnetite (that big rock in the center of the group of pots) it to provide/augment a paramagnetic field (following phil callahan's work) within which the...
  13. georgi345

    Terra preta

    thanks Treeth. outside would indeed be the shit! here's a pic from this morning... they seem to have enjoyed the full moon feeding. 'slightly different arrangement here (playing with the magnetite rock i'm using as a sort of 'paramagnetic resonator' [lower center]): back right is the stretchy...
  14. georgi345

    Biodynamic / Terra Preta grow

    here's a pic from this morning... they seem to have enjoyed the full moon feeding. 'slightly different arrangement here (playing with the magnetite rock i'm using as a sort of 'paramagnetic resonator' [lower center]): back right is the stretchy sativa auh1, front right is the bfbc, and the left...
  15. georgi345

    Terra preta

    i haven't used them before but have been reading only good things about 'em over on the IC forums... as for 'root ripping', i've learned to trim back the rootball anyway (up to 1/3 of total mass) at transplant, so if a few root hairs are torn in the process of transplanting it's not such a big...