Recent content by gethigh420

  1. gethigh420

    1K light. 5 plants (white widow X hash plant) Guess The final weight!!!

    Hell na man, i think you should atleast have over 400 gr dry. Especially since the hash plant is known to have a good size yield. Let me know the verdict though. +rep those plants look delicious :weed:
  2. gethigh420

    what would you use hydrogen peroxide for?

    I used it when my plants had some root rot. I put a couple tsp into the reservoir and within a couple days, the rot went away. I immediately flushed the plants and put the regular nutes back in. I dont know why you would want to use it everyday in the system but it def helps with root...
  3. gethigh420

    what music best describes your high?

  4. gethigh420

    first grow, nothern light babies

    I want an update queer!
  5. gethigh420

    Touch free 2 week dry??

    No man, it makes sense. So i guess, i just leave the box cracked open a bit, so that they can breathe. I just dont want my entire harvest to be full of mold when i come back home. And about the humidifier, i would buy one but i dont have money. I'm kinda on a tight budget. Thanks for the...
  6. gethigh420

    Touch free 2 week dry??

    OK, Im in the same situation. I was wondering, do you have to seal the box air tight? Or do you leave it open?
  7. gethigh420

    first grow, nothern light babies

    YO, dog!!! First of all, nice set up man. I've taught you well..But yea, about those spots, it's probably a nutrient burn. You should add a little less nutrients in your system than what the bottle tells you. Some plants don't do good with change, so just add balance it out as you go. But...
  8. gethigh420


    Can you add molasses to a hydro system? Or oes it have to be a soil plant?
  9. gethigh420

    your fav way to smoke ur stash

    Nothing beats a good hot box but pipes and bongs are more convienent. Any method works for me though :leaf: