Recent content by goldenbrown

  1. G

    yellowing,crispy,tried everything

    One more thing if anyone interested...just checked run off on all in out betwwen 5.2 and in 1.0 out 1.2 on all, so looks like my last flush done its hopefully things will now not continue to get worse>>....
  2. G

    yellowing,crispy,tried everything

    canna pro cocoa...tap ec 0.5..using keep it clean by dutch pro (same stuff as drip clean)
  3. G

    yellowing,crispy,tried everything

    Hello , I am really struggling to work out whats wrong. Well I kind of guessed its cal/mag or nute burn but it seems to not want to clear up or stop even after major flushing with low strenghth feed and epsom salts. My set up is 8 plants in dr240w tent 3 lights (600s hps), airpots 15ltr...
  4. G

    flaktwoods manual speed controller

    Thanks for reply, i will order my variac controller now...:-P
  5. G

    flaktwoods manual speed controller

    Hello everyone. I have a can fan 5inch being used for intake and have been using an sms dimmer switch type controller. The problem is with the hum on low speeds , I was about to order a variac controller when my freind gave me this flaktwoods controller me 1.3, 1ph 3 amps max output. My question...
  6. G

    leaves not looking good

    Thanx again Nizza...I will also feed at a ph of 6/6.1 to try and bring the run off up as at the moment its been reading 5.5 after putting in 5.8 in...
  7. G

    leaves not looking good

    thanx for should i lower the bloom feed and up with vedge?? or just add the vedge feed at alow dose on top of what i already give??
  8. G

    leaves not looking good

    Hello everyone Iv got some deficiency issues... my lower leaves and middle leaves mainly the fans are discoloring! I am growing with a drip feed in cocoa with an ec of 1.3 right now with hesi cocoa bloom,powerzyme,supervit and also adding cal/mag supp and using a bio balancer (good bacteria)...
  9. G

    dripper feed strength and frequency heeellp!!

    Hello Iv been hand watering my cocoa for a few years now and now trying the drippers run to is what I have done so far. Hand watered in vedge for 4 weeks , 3weeks in small pots from rooted clone then 1 week in big 20litre and then flipped to flowering. Started using the drippers...
  10. G

    salt build up in cocoa using drippers

    Thanks for lower my ec and up the time of feeding..thanks
  11. G

    salt build up in cocoa using drippers

    Hey everyone Im having my first go at using a drip system, heres a few details of set up etc medium:canna cocoa,2 inches of hydraton in bottom of pot nutes: vedge:ionic cocoa feed with all hesi additives,canadian express bio balancer and keep it clean by dutch pro (same stuff as drip clean)...
  12. G

    drip clean with beneficiaries

    Thanx for reply hellraizer30 appreciated..Il throw my bio balancer by canadianexpress in with the mix from now on..cheers
  13. G

    drip clean with beneficiaries

    Hello I was wondering will using beneficiaries be a waste of time when using drip clean to keep my drippers clear?? My thinking is that it will kill the good bacteria similar to liquid oxygen? Im using cocoa/perlite mix as my medium
  14. G

    Jamacain dream Eva seeds input

    Hey really intrested to follow this grow as im going to be doing jd again on my next 1...I grew this strain from clone 6 months ago..7 plants under 3x600hps in a tent dr240w, flowered from rooted clone with roots only just coming through the cube as I needed a quick 1 lol. Anyway I pulled 23 oz...