Recent content by goldenchips

  1. goldenchips

    Mold? It's raining like a mofo!

    i had to cut today. after just 4 days of rain i lost a third of my crop to mold.
  2. goldenchips

    yield difference between clones and seed

    I have some seeds and some clones that are about ready for harvest. I dont see any diff. it depends more on how big they are when they go out. I like to keep my best plants going by taking clones sometime mid flower, bout a month ago for me. I grow the mothers all winter and top like crazy so i...
  3. goldenchips

    What you think?

    10 days to 2 weeks hold out those are great looking well done
  4. goldenchips

    Do I have to?????

    The potency is not that much greater if cured, but there is no reason not to. This is what i do. hang the buds and put a fan on them. cut big fan leaves off right away get rid of em. 24 hours later you can start manicuring the buds, rehang after you got em looking pretty. Save your clippings...
  5. goldenchips

    Got some nasty purple haze first time growing, Is it ready!??!

    Hey Hammer, trichs are the resin glands that make your weed look frosty. you should read the sticky post at the top of the harvest page titled Harvest time,... a tutorial.
  6. goldenchips

    My Big Backyard Beauty, comments please.

    It is High P guano you want to flower with or any high P (phosphurus) fert if you dont do the organic thing. 10 30 10 will work but use at half strength. BTW, I am 100 percent sure it is high p you want not high k
  7. goldenchips

    7 weeks into flowering white widow......When should i cut them down

    Organic plants need a good flushing too. The plant stores extra npk in its tissues, whether the npk comes from miracle grow or bat guano doesn't matter. This is kind of an urban legand about organics
  8. goldenchips

    are they ready

    Plants sometimes show a growth spurt just after the optimum harvest window. you can cut now, or wait a week. if you wait, you will get more weight but less overall potency. So that call is up to you.
  9. goldenchips

    Low outdoor temps

    40 degree nights are perfect, dont let them freeze. They can take a night or two of 30/29 degrees, but 28 or lower will kill em. your buds will wilt like frozen lettice and you will have a total loss.
  10. goldenchips

    new outdoor grower looking for advice

    When i have revegged after harvest, or cut clones well into flowering my plants took on the same appearance. I cant quite see well enough fron the pics, but the last 2 look like they have seed pods in and along the stalk. After further review, You got by punked whoever sold you those clones...
  11. goldenchips

    Outdoor Irrigation

    The pressure of the rivers flow will not push water uphill though the hose. It will work if your bucket/hose intake is uphill from your plants, but you could need alot of hose. I thought about doing the same thing but i needed about 200 feet of hose, even on a very steep hillside.
  12. goldenchips

    light and airy buds??

    It has an average npk of 5-1-3. Because it is a byproduct of refining sugar you get concentrated minerals too. like 30 of them. You are correct when you say it will feed bacteria. That is its most redeeming quality, feeding mychorizhal fungi. Maybe you are too smart by half on this one.
  13. goldenchips Timewarp or White Widow?

    I am growing timewarp from bcseedking now they ship fast and are cheap. get both though i havent harvested any, the smell is great and they got huge fist sized buds on em. 2 weeks to go, i cant wait.
  14. goldenchips

    God damn Gender Bending Hermies

    take em outside, and when they finish make hash out of em.
  15. goldenchips

    Third attempt: first real grow

    You need to read some of Ohsogreen's threads. Start with making tea is EZ and cheap, read the replys thought the first couple of pages and there is a good discution about molasses. How to use it, what it does and does not do.