Recent content by Govno

  1. Govno

    Southern ontario

    What in hell is that pink haired one called???? That looks juicy and tasty.... MMMMMMmmmm Please do tell?
  2. Govno

    Got a new outdoor problem actualy 2 of them need help.

    It is only a couple of plants that look like this and they look wet because I just watered not even 10 seconds before pic. THey get waterd once a week unless mother nature decides to rain and not much of that this year in the area so I added a drip line and aI cant seem to adjust the stupid...
  3. Govno

    Got a new outdoor problem actualy 2 of them need help.

    Thank you, appreciated! I will go back to grow shop to get some nitrogen additives / nutrient and yes it is on lower leaves only the yellowing and not on all the plants just some. Same applies for the black spots I seen on 2 plants only. $hit thing is they just started to flower I wil add...
  4. Govno

    Got a new outdoor problem actualy 2 of them need help.

    Hi everyone so I am back at it again for my 3rd year trying with auto fem fast grow (For our climate to try to make this work) I have recently added gravity fed water drip to plants so they get watered a little every day as oposed to me once a week and / or mother nature. So problem # 1: I am...
  5. Govno

    New to outdoor autos and this years crop / lack of one... HELP!!!!

    Thank you, I will try to go on this formula / info so no more then 30 days and into ground. As little transplanting and I intend to do it once only from cracked seed to 6" pot and then outside in under 30 days
  6. Govno

    New to outdoor autos and this years crop / lack of one... HELP!!!!

    So better to transplant in 15 days then from seedling? Or did I read that wrong and 25 days makes them bigger? Sorry just want to make sure I dont f this up again
  7. Govno

    New to outdoor autos and this years crop / lack of one... HELP!!!!

    Anyone have any idea / suggestion as to how long can I veg outdoor autos inside under LEDS??? Before I transfer outdoor? Can I not grow them for 1 and a half months indoor under 18 Hours of light? and 6 dark? I have no idea about autos and this sort of thing
  8. Govno

    New to outdoor autos and this years crop / lack of one... HELP!!!!

    Hmmmm so that explains some of this I ran into. Good to know.
  9. Govno

    New to outdoor autos and this years crop / lack of one... HELP!!!!

    I will take your advice for next year and not yank them on first frost, crap I could have finished the toehrs as after the one night it has been very nice temps between 7 - 22 C crap... lesson learned.
  10. Govno

    New to outdoor autos and this years crop / lack of one... HELP!!!!

    Thanks for the info and yes I did find a few spots like this. I am assuming this was due to too much rain this year (bud rot)? Cut it off and dried / during rest ATM.
  11. Govno

    New to outdoor autos and this years crop / lack of one... HELP!!!!

    Hi Everyone, I tried fem autos outdoor this year to see if I could get away with it... so here is my plants. issues and problems I need help with. I started my seeds indoor in 1 G pots under LED grow lights for about 3 weeks (might have been closer to 4 by the time it was in soil outdoor). I...
  12. Govno

    Auto flower outdoor

    So a little update with pics (mostly pics).... LOL Please let me know if I should be doing anything other then watching and trimming maybe...
  13. Govno

    Auto flower outdoor

    here is this weekends new photos, it looks like the first 2 rows are going flower power already nicely.. I am not sure is this going to be one stupid kola or are more going to grow off this thing? Unsure, anyone have any input would be appreciated.
  14. Govno

    Auto flower outdoor

    So things is going in right direction ... or so it seems. I have been using Gaia green grow and now I have added bloom to it also (powder form) as they just started to flower With any luck I can add some new photos tomorrow as I have not seen WTF they are doing for about a week now.
  15. Govno

    Auto flower outdoor

    Well they seem to be doing great, the amount of rain they keep getting seems to keep me from doing any watering and now I see flowers starting, funny how auto flower goes. Never planted autos