Recent content by Greenhobbiest

  1. Greenhobbiest

    Magical butter machine

    What dose did you use?
  2. Greenhobbiest

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Anyway thanks everyone for their input on the seedbank topic. It’s easy to get reviews online about different seedbanks, but I was after reviews from the guys on this forum as I know they won’t be bullshit. Call that lazy if that makes you feel good about yourself. I’m of the opinion that no...
  3. Greenhobbiest

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder, you are looking way to deep into this. I just started a discussion about seedbanks. I have ordered from seed banks with success, it’s great to have a forum like this that we can share our experiences. Heaps of guys on here that have great info and...
  4. Greenhobbiest

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Pretty simple question discussing ppls experiences with seed banks instead of reading bullshit reviews online. You would think that’s what this forum is for hey. Good luck with your journey buddy
  5. Greenhobbiest

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I use the same. Good kit
  6. Greenhobbiest

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thanks mate. I’ve only ordered from weedseedsexpress, good to hear there’s a few other options that get to Aus.
  7. Greenhobbiest

    Sticky Grows

    Hey man how did your 30:1 turn out? Looking at getting some from seedsman
  8. Greenhobbiest

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Righto bud
  9. Greenhobbiest

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hey anyone have any seedbank recommendations?
  10. Greenhobbiest

    Any experienced CBD growers?

    Yea awesome you should do a grow journal on it.
  11. Greenhobbiest

    Any experienced CBD growers?

    I don’t have much experience with cbd so It’s hard to say if it is the high cbd or 1:1. But definitely happy with it. Third plant started flower week or 2 later so haven’t touched it yet. Yea awesome how you going to grow it? I just bought a magic butter machine, can’t wait to make some oils.
  12. Greenhobbiest

    Magical butter machine

    Why did you stop using it?
  13. Greenhobbiest

    Magical butter machine

    Yea that’s what confuses me, just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something before I get started. A lot of videos on YouTube showing cbd extraction with alcohol then evaporating the alcohol and adding the extract to oil. I figure might as well extract straight in to oil from the beginning.
  14. Greenhobbiest

    Magical butter machine

    Yea think I’ve been miss informed. I see what you mean. What would be the difference then if I made a cbd tincture then used oil as a carrier opposed to making cbd infused oil?
  15. Greenhobbiest

    Magical butter machine

    So what is the oil option on the magical butter machine for? Would it do the same thing?