Recent content by grow41

  1. G

    dirty leca causing ph fluctuations?

    unfortunately i have not kept records until now, but i have never noticed much change. i usually changed out weakly and paid more attention to ph and leaf changes. this is my first grow and honestly i had problems everywhere from environmental to to many nutes to to little. i really felt fox...
  2. G

    dirty leca causing ph fluctuations?

    Do you use general hydroponics flora series?
  3. G

    dirty leca causing ph fluctuations?

    ya i tried lowering it once thinking that could be a problem too and started noticing other coloration issues. im not convinced it still isn't an issue but without calmag im sitting at about 800 ppm of base nutes. i can say i have been running it at this level and havent had ph swings that were...
  4. G

    dirty leca causing ph fluctuations?

    update: after a few cycles i checked the ph again and it had lowered a few tenths of a ph and decided to just scrap the water and start over. we will see if whatever caused the problem has been washed out of the system
  5. G

    dirty leca causing ph fluctuations?

    so i started with a dwc system and strugled with root rot from the beginning. but, that's not where my first mistake occurred. first i didn't give my seedling full light until they started turning light green and showing roots out of stone wool , at this point i put them in net pots with the...
  6. G

    Why did my other plants stop growing?

    Now I am a complete noob here but feminized seeds can be the exact same DNA if you fertilized from a clone to the same mother?