Recent content by grower.johndoe

  1. grower.johndoe

    Help understanding BLux Vesta Series

    I would still have some questions. If running both (thing that if I decide to run I would deff appreciate some help with the diagram), it means it would go around 3700ish K, from what I've read in Rocket Soul topics/answers, right? And would also mean that, for example, if the 2700k channels are...
  2. grower.johndoe

    Help understanding BLux Vesta Series

    what's up guys I've been searching on and trying to build a led fixture for a 2x4 grow I'm building and within that search I've came across the idea of building with some vesta series nighty8 [number nine not working here lol] CRI. It wouldn't be solely that led strip on the build, but I'm...
  3. grower.johndoe

    Advice on COB - 4x4 grow

    @CobKits I've just realized that since my first message, when I was aiming to buy/build clu1212, I've been looking at your website and prices. What a coincidence to have you here. If I may, I've just started a direct conversation with you, since I've some small doubts (potentiometer, wires...
  4. grower.johndoe

    Advice on COB - 4x4 grow

    that seemed like an interesting build. I'm already taking a look at that build price and might go for it. is there any diy video of that 9x CXM22 frame/assemble for a 4x4? asking because I might be slightly insecure about the spacing between cobs and the best frame/cobs distribution to cover...
  5. grower.johndoe

    Advice on COB - 4x4 grow

    Haven't seen that thread yet. Will take a look! Thanks, fellow!
  6. grower.johndoe

    Advice on COB - 4x4 grow

    Lemme torment you a little longer @coreywebster ... and sorry about that. Let's say I'm choosing to run 10xCLU048-1212 36 V at 1,4 A aiming more or less 500 W (guessing... that's a good amount for a 4x4?). For that build, which driver would be the best match? And would you recommend a heatsink...
  7. grower.johndoe

    Advice on COB - 4x4 grow

    Thanks. I'll aim for that amount or close by, if I get to choose COB's. Which would be a good QB for a 4x4? Honestly, if the prices are similar and the efficacy of QB's and COB's are also similar (are they?), I would choose QB's due to the fact that they're already assembled.
  8. grower.johndoe

    Advice on COB - 4x4 grow

    the website I'm looking it seems $8 COB and $18 passive heatsink. by that, what do you mean? quantum boards? if so, for that space (4x4) which would you recommend? and still about the COB's... if I went with them, how many would be a good amount for that space?
  9. grower.johndoe

    Advice on COB - 4x4 grow

    hi, growers! 1st time posting and 1st time grower here trying to get some advice on lightning. Still a little bit confused on diy COB fixtures and especially insecure about what's "really" necessary to grow some plants (maybe 3-4 for that space?) and, yeah, I've read some good amount about it...