Recent content by Hashpants

  1. H

    Plants blowing out on the bottom with yellow and dried up leaves

    There will be some fading of old shaded leaves. Yours look fine . Any serious deficiency will show up higher on the plants. Work more on your soil this winter and consider a mulch or breathable soil cover to keep plant lowers separate from grass/ soil contact.
  2. H

    What do you guys think?

    Looks like you have the Purple Phytoplasm in some tops and some nutrient imbalances. Do you do any preventive maintenance during the season?
  3. H

    Corn syrup

    11 ft Plants grown in Dirt only. Dirt is readily available and highly recommended by many plants.
  4. H

    Prune right before flower.

    It's fine , outdoors the sun moves so the whole plant gets light. I read the Ruth Stout book and her methods are really cool. Perpetual, cheers HP
  5. H

    How much longer outdoor grown

    10 weeks veg , that plant should be 8 ft. Tall. Maybe try it next time with leaves.This one is about 8 weeks old.
  6. H

    Lead seporia? Help!

    That's usually from the Eurasion Hemp Borer. Look for a small hole below the limp spot with some sawdust around.
  7. H

    What to use to deter caterpillars eating my outdoor grow

    How do you know proper soil will prevent Cannabis pests if it's your first grow outdoors ?
  8. H

    Help a old guy out

    Containers are rather small, it would be hard to keep consistent moisture and that can affect nutrient uptake and ph swings.
  9. H

    Question about trimming

    It's not necessary to trim outdoor plants. Those lowers can make or break a harvest. If you have the wet weather you are expecting during late flower it could ruin big single colas. Those ozs of lowers would look more appealing if that were to happen. Good Luck!
  10. H

    Seedlings "frozen in time"

    Turn up the lights.
  11. H

    Low Keys 2024 Season

    He Hey hey LK! Looking good buddy.
  12. H

    Just not sure what to do here.. Help!

    Nutrient burn, from those 17 ammendments
  13. H

    Low Keys 2024 Season

    You ain't messing around! Best of luck , LK.