
some drunken ramblings below about my small time international multi conglomerate multi planetary business

possible tips to anyone new to cloning or whatever..mostly just jibba jabba though.

name Inspired by a fellow older forum growing/breeding online friend who also goes by the name of a cartoonist and creative inventor.

World class reputation he had in all fields of sticky icky chilies
Record yeilds, some say 2 pounds of chillies ON ONE PLANT indooors? no way you can get that or more..
Heath, um, try 3 pounds , 4 pounds, sometimes more off one chili plant. INDOORS.

Heath had non stop innovations some were complex, futuristic and mind expandingly brilliant...I liked his designs and i would try to simplify some myself for easier to use easier to find parts in Africa and less likely for faults to occur. also suiting different climates

such as not using DWC or turbo tanks or high speed water hydro pipelines for feeding fruit plants,in vertical setups or whatever brain boggling design he mastered, however using pots, rectangle pots, plain old perlite, coco expanded clay, hand watered..
keep it simple stupid i say to my dumby dumb brain.

This was necessary in areas with frequent power outages, power outage in DWC or aero means the death of plants.2 days 3 days dead. Not with perlite .not if hand watered.

Some other designs worked towards away from Heaths brainiac mindset ,if failed, reworked and completed to working order also with much help and shared knowledge. (such as aero cloners and cloning systems ...
also made stealth cabinets crafted to look like normal house hold cabinets from a furniture store..
why would light beam out from cracks of that cabinet?
Not if i made it. "Its just a set of drawers love."

.home made and distributed to hydroponic stores throughout Africa mainly Angola yet also Bolivia and Columbia in south America
(i did not realise there were other countries in the world besides USA before going there, wow i dont think the Earth is flat after all??? im not sure)

like to change one thing at a time in horticulture of any species, on any day..that way something goes wrong i know what the likely problem is in the one or max of two changes.
Minimal nutrient additives to me = less is more...

Too many snake oil products dont do much. (like flora nectar? what the hell is that supposed to do?)
Not a follower of hunting down more hipster fruits, i got my favourites that work.
Will try here and there new hyped and praised fruit, cross a few habs or thai birdseyes but really, what works for whatever tiny warehouse setups i have --
i choose what fruit suits those tiny or little places...Not going bigger than tiny warehouses though for now. well maybe in a few more continents,
thats it, less is more.

i may not grow anything baddies do as apparently the boys in blue will put those naughty people in jail so i read about it.
Collect the worlds most potent cuts and seeds of the worlds record holders and like to breed.
study genetics then test it out. Small time grows of warehouses, a few around the world. all growing the worlds most potent pods and tastiest fruits that will cure pain for 4 hours with just one bite of my fruits...

Smoke it maybe, ive never tried smoking fruit but my friends swear by it.Edibles seem the way for me, but my chilies are damn hot..2.3 million scoville units last i checked.

Carolina Reapers, Trinidad Scorpions, Seven Pot Brain strain, Chocy habaneros, OG Kush, Chemdog 4, White Rhino, Bubba kush is lush but takes a while to vegetate,
i like chemdog 4 the most and white rhino, medicine man chilies all these chilies mentioned stay fire for three to four hours..pain relief because the fire on your tongues burn is outweighing the pain in your back.
Try my stuff.
seeds and seedlings sold at nurseries Australia wide and all through Africa and the Andes.

, aeroponics, bubblers, soiless, perlite, coco coir, expanded clay,....soil is great i worked in nurseries mixing soils and fertilizers as a job but the earlier mentioned hydro methods always gave the hottest chilies with the most scoville units.
Plants do not care if a nutrient is Organic or a salt.. They ingest and develop into the plant the same way and hydro salts do not, do not make a plant more potent none of this crazy thai birdseye Habanero skunky smelling chilli make schizos kill people, sorry, the potency is in the genetics and breeding not nutrients or organic vs hydro.
Also UV rays increase heat of chilies and so does lack of watering a little bit hear and there. not hydro, hydro is usually small chili plants from indi aca or some place, less height easaier to handle indoors, knocks you on your couch cause its an indi aca or some country in india i think..maybe...

sorry pals and crooked elite lieing thiefs, hydro is not crazy mental patient stuff, sativas are tall mother fuckers, well pures are, thats where you trip balls, not many grow haze indoors not many grow indian sativas taking 18 weeks if not longer to FLOWER indoors when they grow 8 to 16 foot tall.
i read that somewhere i hope its not illegal to repeat what i read.
what im saying is hydro doesnt mean =chili mania

Try my chillies, you have to be careful, they are world record holders for a reason and chilies i dont think taste sweet like strawberries.

like to choose methods depending on location. tropics, not DWC or aero no way, perlite or coco..Heat can bring problems with the true hydroponics and aero if not used with antibacterial additives..so i like soiless or just perlite,

..Pure perlite DRAINS fast means faster drying medium, means faster root growth.
easy to get even in Ethiopia
Not much chance of fungal or bacterial root infections such as with aeroponics or DWC hydroponics.
Cooler temps DWC or areo all the way..aero cloners gain roots faster than any other method ive tried (6-8 day growth of roots plant-able)

so if its right climate aero cloners are the choice..
Convenience though, Grodan rockwool cubes (jiffy pellets if nothing else found), clonex, clear take away containers one up to upside down, one on bottom(humidity) a little hole or two for some air and less rot....
Roots 14 days

just cut stems on a 45' angle, dip quickly in clonex (lid can hold a bit to dip into), even try a small shallow slice in stem to get more clonex inside stems...
Also before you finish the settling in of cuts in cubes, trim some excess leaf off, too much leaf = too much evaporation = death of cut.
longer than 10 cm cuts are too long..Shorter than 3 inches are too short.

use a 5000 kelvin LED light or if found a blue spectrum or cool white spectrum compact flouro to put above each tray of cuttings, ,23 watts is plenty
too high power will dry out the cuts fry the leaves.

Bubble cloners are ok but risky, many wont root..aero way better cloning system.
however rockwool always trusty in many climates and humidities.

NOTE- this ABOVE is all for chillies and rasberries -nothing like those sleepy cocaine or whatever druggy things or whatever baddy guys do.

Signed a good guy from the Goodies, 1969 peace,

Is world peace possible without war?
Thank officer
Jan 1, 1969 (Age: 56)
Horticulture,Electronics,Mastermind of underworld trends, Fashion doesnt matter


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