Recent content by Hellapronugz

  1. Hellapronugz

    Testing kits

    I doubt you could accurately test those levels without a GC or HPLC machine. plenty of places you could send it to though. That would be awesome if it did work.
  2. Hellapronugz

    Anyone ever had skin rash?

    Yea i just recently began experimenting with a rash that developed on my stomach one night trimming without a shirt on. im a little scared cus my nose has been super stuffed for a while now - at first i just thought allergies ( even tho i have never had allergies) but now i have tried rubbing...
  3. Hellapronugz

    Salvia: An Awakening

    Dragon im curious to what your views and usage of psychedelics are. mind sharing?
  4. Hellapronugz

    salvia experience

    hmmm i think it was 40x , but now im reading that 40 doesnt exist?
  5. Hellapronugz

    salvia experience

    haha! funny as hell stories guys. . i have had a few experiences with salvia, once with a whole group of my close friends. passed a few packed bowls around, lol complete with uncontrollable laughter and a melting to the ground sensation my face and jaw were like being sucked into a black hole...
  6. Hellapronugz

    Cfls and autoflowers

    250w hps for fresh seedlings? or 250w cfl? it can be done either way, but best results are always with the better light. Just make sure you give those seedlings some good space from any hps, those babies are delicate. i've mostly gone with floros for my seedlings to save $ for the first week or...
  7. Hellapronugz

    Need intake ideas for my closet grow

    try some air ducting from home depot, fairly cheap and definitely light proof!
  8. Hellapronugz

    A Change from LED to HPS- Path Worth Taking!

    sorry if that was from an old post, but i was just reading it and had to add something to this shinanigans
  9. Hellapronugz

    A Change from LED to HPS- Path Worth Taking!

    Guys, everyone has different setups and needs. We can all see the advantages in both. For instance, my real good buddy - has severely limited space in his apartment and even more limited possibilities for air circulation. He chooses to use LEDs for obvious reasons (power consumption, limited...
  10. Hellapronugz

    Outdoor growing and suns heat?

    yea as far as heat , idk cannabis plants seem really resilient to most environments. i'd say mostly just worry about the temps of your roots as long as their staying cooler the hot sun is your friend!