Recent content by HelsBane

  1. HelsBane

    Leaves falling off and changing colors

    In my experience all plants yellow during flower to some extent. It seems to differ on how much by strain, I have occasionally taken to feeding grow nutes on week 3 or 4 of flower cycle to combat this on the plants that seem they will be hit the hardest. Generally though I just leave them be...
  2. HelsBane

    First budding plant how she looks so far

    Turn your lights off for the next set of pictures. They look good for the quality of picture though.
  3. HelsBane

    what do you do with your garbage

    I cut my stem waste up into sub 3" pieces and run it through a food processor, I dispose of the resulting powder with the cat litter. As for my leaf after I make butter the resulting waste is disposed of with my food garbage, there is no way you could ascertain it from the rest of the food waste...
  4. HelsBane

    I think i might have thrips. help

    I have never had spidermites but I have had thrips and I have to agree that that doesn't look like thrips. I would also think that if it were thrips by the time they had done that amount of damage you should have had a few mature to the point they are visible with the naked eye.
  5. HelsBane


    There is a lot of crap glass there, I on the other hand prefer hand glown pieces from local artists which you find in great number as well and often at amazing prices.
  6. HelsBane

    Help me plan to move to WA - any IT potheads out there?

    I haven't been tested since I worked retail 15+ years ago and can't think of many people I know in the area that have. Hell the last company I worked for (Large international company over 1500 employees and listed on the stock exchange) allowed the mail room coordinator to plaster the mail room...
  7. HelsBane


    Kind of in the same boat as you although I do generally find a good deal on glass that I can't pass up. The search for that deal has become my main motivation for going the last few years.
  8. HelsBane

    Help me plan to move to WA - any IT potheads out there?

    On a more specific note, as a IT guy that also grows and enjoys living in a more rural location I think the best living/work arrangements I have found in the area had me living in "Bonney Lake" (I would also consider Lake Tapps, Enumclaw, and Buckley to be in this area) and working in Seattle...
  9. HelsBane

    Help me plan to move to WA - any IT potheads out there?

    I work in the IT industry here in Seattle and have now for about 15 years, outside of Silicon Valley you won't find another location with more tech jobs. Even through the high unemployment rates of the last decade it has remained pretty easy to find tech work here as long as you are a bit above...
  10. HelsBane

    Sour Diesel 5 weeks into flower and leaves are yellowing.... Pics inside!

    Well I dialed back my bloom nutes by 5ml per gallon and added in 5ml of the grow nutes with the last watering on the 14th and it still seems to be progressing at a similar rate. The plant still looks healty overall and bud growth is good so I am inclined to believe that maybe I should call it...
  11. HelsBane

    Sour Diesel 5 weeks into flower and leaves are yellowing.... Pics inside!

    Think it's probably Nitrogen deficiency but could be a couple of others based on what I have read hoping you all can help me confirm a decision and plan of action. Lady is in Happy Frog Soil in a 4 gallon pot, currently 5 weeks into flower and will likely be harvested sometime between 8/5 and...
  12. HelsBane

    First Grow 3'x3'x7' 240w LED 6 Plants in Soil...

    Haven't thought much about this thread in a while now but had a couple people ask how it turned out so thought I would update. Final dry weight from the plants was right about 3.5 oz total, with the Jack Herrer and God Bud contributing about 1/2oz per plant and the GDP with about 3/4oz per...
  13. HelsBane

    How much damage can thrips do?

    Kill them!!!!! Like jessy said use Spinosad and take them out or you will regret it. I had a fight with them on my last batch and I can tell you it goes from "shit should I do something about this or will they make it the last couple weeks" to "Holy Shit Batman WTF happened to my plants" in a...
  14. HelsBane

    Newbie question

    Why would you top a plant 2 weeks into flower, seems like a bad idea from what I know. I would assume you are giving advice for the OP to use on their next grow which could be worth pointing out. If she is getting too tall though I would tie down the leading cola as pointed out by cocakola. As...