Recent content by hendry

  1. hendry

    Black Leaves

    For hydro?
  2. hendry

    My first hydro

    Just some updated pictures. They are growing but I still believe something is a little off. Its been 5 days I think since the first pictures and my biggest grew a whole inch but looks droopy and the bottom leaves died off.
  3. hendry

    Black Leaves

    my ph is under 6 water temp is 72
  4. hendry

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    Im stepping out right now ill have them in about 4 to 5 hours best i can do sorry.
  5. hendry

    Black Leaves

    I dont know what is wrong with my plants espically the bottom leaves it is week 6 of veg already. Please help?
  6. hendry

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    What is your Ph What PPM and what nutrients? What are those rocks!? :peace: My ph is under 6. No nutes right now. The rocks are a combination of whats in the pictures. The third picture is of a small plastic pot with coconut fiber that hasnt been watered. The fiber expands to the size of...
  7. hendry

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    Im having a problem with my bottom leaves any idea?
  8. hendry

    My first hydro

    The bottom leaves on my healthiest plant are turning black and dying anyone know what this could be?
  9. hendry

    My first hydro

    This is my first hydro grow it is going very slow. I've had a successful dirt grow before but this will be my first bubbleponics hydro grow.I would have started this journal sooner but somebody borrowed my camera and hasn't given it back yet. Fortunately I finally took the time to figure out how...
  10. hendry

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    some more pics of my setup
  11. hendry

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    dude that sucks good luck. I just figured out how to use my camera phone since i dont have my camera
  12. hendry

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    I think i was reading the wrong report. Sorry
  13. hendry

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    The tds in my area is a high of 198 and low of 145. Ph high of 7.71 low of 7.59. However i dont see chorline on here could it be listed as something else.
  14. hendry

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    I let the water sit out in different containers for 24 hours before i transfer it so that the chorline evaporates. Ive read thats what your supposed to do.