Recent content by HeshWantsCandy

  1. HeshWantsCandy

    Chlorine in Water Debate. Do You Let it Evaporate?

    Yeah always left my tap water out
  2. HeshWantsCandy

    Weak Stems are pissing me off

    I think you might need your light to be closer, how far away is it now? Also purple is a mix of the red and blue spectrum, so you have two spectrums not three
  3. HeshWantsCandy

    Happy Fuckin 4 / 20 Everybody !!!!!!!!!

    Indeed, happy 420 all! Gonna smoke at 840, call it double-time why not lol.
  4. HeshWantsCandy

    How to hide a Marijuana plant in you're backyard?.

    Lol this thread is hilarious. My turn. Okay so I was thinkin skip the solar lights why not wrap the plant up in Xmas tree lights!? Think about it theyre already meant for tree! Low heat and those lights will be right up on them bitches! I'm totally just playin happy 420 everyone!
  5. HeshWantsCandy

    4/20/2011 tell me what your smoking and how your smoking it!

    Ready to smoke at midnight happy 420 everyone!
  6. HeshWantsCandy

    12 on 12 sorta off?

    Wait I thought you were saying it was fine earlier and now you say it has nanners and therefore a hermi....that's not fine. I'm confused. WTF lol.
  7. HeshWantsCandy

    12 on 12 sorta off?

    As long as no light leaks directly onto the plant I doubt there would be any problems. In your situation I'm sure it's fine cuz a few leaks of light aren't enough to illuminate the grow room.
  8. HeshWantsCandy

    My timer didnt turn the lights off on time.....

    I hear that it's wise to always keep your lights on time the same when regarding changing light cycles. So if since the jump they've been getting lights on at 6pm then leave that the same. IMHO just set it to 12/12 6pm-6am like you had it, no excessive darkness, and all will be well! :D
  9. HeshWantsCandy

    Thank you Rollitup! Look what all you did for this grower.

    Who here understood the OP just fine and didn't take any offense at all? Everyone. Leave troll this bridge is not yours to take!
  10. HeshWantsCandy

    4/20/2011 tell me what your smoking and how your smoking it!

    I'll be smokin on my homegrown bud my first harvest which was on 4-4 :D roll some j's pop over to my friends and we'll utilize his vaporizer as well! Gonna be great!
  11. HeshWantsCandy

    "Smart" power meters from utility co.

    Offtopic but I was wondering if someone could explain exactly how the power consumption rating works to me. Like okay I get how power companies charge you by the kw/h and I get that a given lamp is 1000w but what I'm asking is okay that lamp is 1000w but like it uses 1000w in an hour or it's...
  12. HeshWantsCandy

    Nuts at 5 weeks?

    I think it's just that plant started to become sexually mature early, like hitting puberty early. It was totally genetic IMO.
  13. HeshWantsCandy

    PLEASE HELP/probation and growing advice..

    Destroy the evidence... That seems like him giving you a chance to do so..
  14. HeshWantsCandy

    Can someone send me weed in a letter?

    I find it odd you're posting here in a Growing Marijuana forum claiming you have no weed. Here's your sign bro...
  15. HeshWantsCandy

    Early Harvest...

    Use it for baked goods bro!