Recent content by hgr9000

  1. hgr9000

    finally buyin seeds NEED UR HELP :)

    do it I have ordered papaya regular and came out female from nirvana its a really short plant very nice looking too. gotten some orders from the same site and no complains.
  2. hgr9000

    purple weed

    naww man all if not most strains turn purple when applied to cold temperatures, it an equivalent to frostbite in humans. I never grown purple weed before but I think that it should turn purple naturally.
  3. hgr9000

    World Wide Marijuana March '09

    hey man did you end up going I was there bought a bad ass pipe real cheap
  4. hgr9000

    World Wide Marijuana March '09

    nicely said
  5. hgr9000

    blz bud from seedism fems also 2 nyc diesel from soma and 2 sshaze gh

    shouldn't there be like an update? i ordered some blz and Im interested in the progress
  6. hgr9000

    Attitude bank, but is Nirvana seeds good?

    nirvana seeds are very good or at least in my case they were I got a hold of 12 regular seeds planted 8 out of those 8, 1 didnt grow, 1 came out male and the rest came out female
  7. hgr9000

    Cloning is as easy as 1 2 3. Lefty's cloning journal

    my question is does the cutting have to be from the top cola or can it be from any stem as long as its 2 nodes from the starting stem?
  8. hgr9000

    Bubbleponics NooB!

    did you grown them in an incubator or did you just take the seeds straight into the bubbleponic system?
  9. hgr9000

    World Wide Marijuana March '09

    yo let me get some more info on this march im down to go
  10. hgr9000

    how is world wide marijuana seeds

    yeah it did with me
  11. hgr9000

    hey whats up first time grower here I have seen some pictures of people with hydroponic systems...

    hey whats up first time grower here I have seen some pictures of people with hydroponic systems and they have their lava rock cover from the sun light. my question is can lava rock get mold?
  12. hgr9000

    Bubbleponics NooB!

    is stretching a bad thing?
  13. hgr9000


    Can you grow hydroponically with out a light, just plain natural sun?
  14. hgr9000

    16th day looking sweet :P

    are your plants really close to the light?
  15. hgr9000

    When is the best time to Top a plant?

    is all that white stuff the bud?