Recent content by Hidden Door

  1. Hidden Door

    How Long Can I Get Away with Not Having a Dehumidifier? Day 10 Flower 65% Rh

    i bought a $300 dehumidifier when all i needed was a $20 bathroom vent fan. keep the air moving and don't worry about the humidity.
  2. Hidden Door


    looks like a good show, going to check it out tonight.
  3. Hidden Door

    Hand Rolled Joints. Let's Seem Um!

    the tips are cool when using a machine but a real pain in the ass when free styling. i've got a friend that rolls the cross joints and he uses 3 differnt types of smokes in each of the ends.
  4. Hidden Door

    Dumpster Diving!

    back in the day, the apartment complex i lived in was pretty good pickings at the end of the week when they did evictions and put peoples shit in the dumpsters. glad i moved on from that neighborhood and life style. it was $50 a week rent in east dallas to give you an idea of the people living...
  5. Hidden Door

    ph meter

    fert/salt build up won't happen in the 3 to 4 months it takes to get a plant to maturity unless it's getting over fertilized. i never knew growing weed was so complicated until i joined a grow forum.
  6. Hidden Door

    SNOW!! how many inches did u get!! pics!

    after my dad retired he moved back up to maine and lived in my grandparents cottage but kept the family home down here. he would spend the summers down here and the winters up there. he loved to ice fish.
  7. Hidden Door

    SNOW!! how many inches did u get!! pics!

    i moved to dallas from maine about 35 years ago. that snowstrom almost reminded me of home and how much i hate the snow and slush. i do miss the snow mobiling and playing hockey on the ponds but not enough to move back up there.
  8. Hidden Door

    ph meter

    if your using some good quality soil mix i wouldn't worry about it, i think it just over complacates things. most problems come from over fertilizing or over watering. it's very rare to have a ph problem without these existing problems. just my 2 cents...
  9. Hidden Door

    SNOW!! how many inches did u get!! pics!

    it looks beautiful in pics but i loved the 60 degrees and sunshine here.
  10. Hidden Door

    Your favorite places to eat...HIGH

    i've tried so many differnt types of sushi and i just can't find my flavor. from now on i'll only use it for fishing bait.
  11. Hidden Door

    AK's Cannabis Cookbook

    i've been looking all over for this recipe and found a few i didn't know i was looking for. thanks to all
  12. Hidden Door

    holy shit!! need advice ASAP

    i've been through this myself and i used the money to pay bills before they caught it, but when they did catch it i had to pay it back. and they will find their mistake.
  13. Hidden Door


    my wife had her graduation ceromony last night. bsn in nursing medicine, she's going for her masters. 3 more years. i dropped out of high school and joined the navy when i was 17. after i got out i went on to a community college and got my GED and enough college credits to get me a pretty kush...
  14. Hidden Door

    Your favorite places to eat...HIGH

    wandering around new orleans stoned is a blast anyway, then you have all the great restaurants on top of that. new orleans is one of my favorite vacation cities because of the foods and people.
  15. Hidden Door

    Anti-Green girlfriend...

    i can see your mate bitching if all you are doing is laying up not taking care of business and your only goal in life is finding the next bowl full. but if you are a responsible smoker, you need to find a new mate. 4 months is not a relationship imo.