Recent content by HighLife4Me

  1. HighLife4Me

    Highlife's House

    Well I have been dealing with a bit. In total 8 males. My luck has been horrible with the seeds I had. Also, ran into issues with Nectar of the God's Spartan Line. My plants were very under fed and doing terrible. I ordered more Blue Planet Nutrients Farmers Pride Line. Plants have all they...
  2. HighLife4Me

    SpiderFamer's Happy Fathers Day G3000 Unboxing!

    A big thank you to @Spiderfarmerled ! Everything was packed well. I have the G3000 setup next to my SE3000 in my 4x4 tent! So Happy! Thanks Spiderfarmer & RIU!!
  3. HighLife4Me

    The Vault & Original Sensible Seeds - Giveaway!

    Never ran an auto. Would love to try their auto wedding cake!
  4. HighLife4Me

    Happy Father's Day--G3000 300W LED Giveaway

    Thx!! I can't remember the last time I won anything! Thank you @Spiderfarmerled !!!!! I have a Journal going atm. CANT WAIT TO ADD THE NEW LIGHT!! Thx for everyone who entered! Also to all the dads!! (Happy father of two wonderful toddlers)
  5. HighLife4Me

    Highlife's House

  6. HighLife4Me

    Highlife's House

    Plants are doing great with the nute line. Two of the plants are staying really short. Kinda a waste of a spot in the tent, but still fun to grow. The next few plants I am topping at the first node and running 12/12 from seed. They go right into a 5gal 7-10 days after sprouting.
  7. HighLife4Me

    Welcome To Phoenix Cannabis Seeds Official Site! 20 Seeds Giveaway!

    You guys have a nice selection! I want to try running Gelato 41. It's also great you offer discreet shipping.
  8. HighLife4Me

    Mars Hydro Father's day Giveaway-- Looking For A Tester For Smart FC-3000 LED Grow Light

    Hi MarsHydro! Your LEDs rock. Especially the FC3000! Thanks for the chance to win! USA @borbor @catfish307
  9. HighLife4Me

    Dad's Plant Contest--Spider Farmer

    Hi @Spiderfarmerled Here are two of the plants I have grown so far under the SF1000. NEED AN UPGRADE! #sfgrow TangerineDream & WhiteRuntz
  10. HighLife4Me

    Happy Father's Day--G3000 300W LED Giveaway

    USA Thanks! @Spiderfarmerled
  11. HighLife4Me

    Other Plants

    Woke up this morning to a surprise! First time growing Poppies. We did not have much of a spring. Was not sure how it would work out. They were started inside in PromixHP then Transplanted outside. So Excited!! Danish Red Flag
  12. HighLife4Me

    Highlife's House

    The 3 Zkittlez & Jesus OG are at 24 days. I probably will flipp around day 50. Well see. I have a few things in my yard I'm growing. Have strawberries, raspberries, currants and cherries. Strawberries Woke up this morning to something Amazing!! My poppies were droopy and I was worried. But..
  13. HighLife4Me

    Highlife's House

    Week 3 - Transpalnted to thier final 5gal pots. Plants are looking great. NFTG is doing well for the plants so far. I've been using promix sense 2014. Thinking of adding a DWC project. Hard to break away from soiless. :leaf: Here are the 3x Zkittlez & 1x Jesus OG
  14. HighLife4Me

    Help identifying bug!

    Yup that's what I came to as well. Thank you very much!!!
  15. HighLife4Me

    Help identifying bug!

    Solved. Springtail.