Recent content by hookahchill

  1. hookahchill

    My first auto grow

    That sucks man, I just sold all my equipment cuz my girl go a stick up her ass. I feel your pain.
  2. hookahchill

    My first auto grow

    Hey man hows she doing? she is something like day 57. What is her lifespan 60 or closer to 70 days. you must have some really nice eye orgasms. when we get the pics?
  3. hookahchill

    67 days from seed- AUTOMAZAR

    hey that looks good but missing something, what day is it now.
  4. hookahchill

    My first auto grow

    Wow, Ive been looking for you to see the update. things look really good, just started one, on day 8. you are ay the half way mark. might be a good time to up the nutes but not too much. best of yields..
  5. hookahchill

    My first auto grow

    Hey just jumped in, I cant wait to ride this out. keep the pics coming, thanks
  6. hookahchill

    how do you see my plants?

    hey just found you, how is the ph looking,
  7. hookahchill

    Need help setting my tent up! 3 x 3 x 6'5 VENTING/COOLING question!!!!!

    Hello, Sorry it took so long to get back. A 4 inch will work to keep the air moving up from the floor. when the doors are closed see how much the walls suck in. that is an indication of how much air is passing up the tent. if that doesnt work all that great go to 6 inch and a reducer for the...
  8. hookahchill

    First Time Growing Hydroponics when and how do i add nutrients??

    Hello I agree no nutes for about 2 weeks. you can burn them and they will grow slow if at all. another thing that help are pics. Im trying to picture the set-up you have. its just a little fussy to me. sounds like you shouldnt have problems with drying out cuz your using the bubbleponic...
  9. hookahchill

    Need help setting my tent up! 3 x 3 x 6'5 VENTING/COOLING question!!!!!

    Hey boss, personally I would put the filter as high as you can and put a a fan on the light, keep an eye on humidity and temps. filters are great to about 50% humidity after that there useless. the fan on the light will distribute the heat, with a good exhaust fan it will suck air from the...
  10. hookahchill

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I changed the rez again, this time i put some food in and burned one clone. other clone is doing good. I also put a pepper in and thats growing roots fast and getting bigger, better then the ones I have in soil. I should really get some pictures up. I cant seem to keep the rez clean. I guess...
  11. hookahchill

    Whats wrong with my plants?

    also it would do good to sprey them. with water, or a mild dose of nutes
  12. hookahchill

    Whats wrong with my plants?

    your first leaves almost always die off. the first set of leaves seem to be ok. may looks a little heat sick. what are the temps. also make sure ph is good.
  13. hookahchill

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hello. I made a mini system. one chamber, seems to work awesome, really good for clones. clones seem to spring back to life and lay roots down fast. i cut 2 clones and both grew roots fast. my question. my rez seems to keep getting little clear paper looking things, i cleaned everything before...
  14. hookahchill

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    nice set up. looks like alot of work, and people say were lazy.
  15. hookahchill

    using spagnum peat moss

    Have anyone used just spagnum peat moss. i used it for sunflowers, i grew for my wife. the roots were incredable for the sunflower. it seems that the sunflowers really like it. the spagnum holds moisture well and drain really well. soon i will use it for my growing as soon i have a seed open...