Recent content by HottFuzz

  1. HottFuzz

    Update the homepage already!!

    Is RIU EVER gonna update the home page? makes it seem like a dead forum "this just in" news from almost a year ago.Who takes care of that anyway? They need to get on their job:wall:
  2. HottFuzz

    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    its kinda hypocritical that you spelled "great" (grate) wrong. shouldn't need spell check for that one genius! Peace
  3. HottFuzz

    Premature sexing - Pre-sexing your plant - Early sexing

    i read you can take a cutting from a vegging plant, put it in a glass of water under 12/12 and it will flower. i guess because the plant is still alive technically it can recognize the photoperiod. i have yet to try it myself tho
  4. HottFuzz

    KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

    thanks billcollector i needed that. felt gay after clicking on all the brittney spears videos i swear i thought there was gonna be some ass shots or something! BITCH BETTA HAVE MY MONEY
  5. HottFuzz

    my new box, cfl lighting almost done any tips?

    thanks for the correction
  6. HottFuzz

    First harvest , I need a deadline!

    looks like it could go some more. i see a lot of fresh pistils spitting out and looks like its got a lot of nitrogen still left in it. how long has she been flowering? i think she could go at least another week
  7. HottFuzz

    miricale grow soil and food

    yea, you should/could be waiting till spring to grow. just a theory
  8. HottFuzz

    my new box, cfl lighting almost done any tips?

    wow, looking clean! definitely drop some side lighting if you can. and maybe get more Y splitters for the top. dont forget to tape up those wire nuts real good to prevent moisture from getting to the wires. makes my plywood box look like shit!
  9. HottFuzz

    my new box, cfl lighting almost done any tips?

    i thought i read that lumens dont "add up". meaning a 27w cfl puts out like 1600 lumens, and 100 of those same lights together still equal 1600 lumens. i actually think i read that in a sticky somewhere on this site
  10. HottFuzz

    what's the meaning of 420 and 101 ?

    its fucking police code! thats where it came from. people DO know
  11. HottFuzz

    what's the meaning of 420 and 101 ?

    yea no shit dank hands. EVERYTHING i said was supposed to be SARCASM. wake the fuck up, no offense. jesus christ wheres the construction paper and crayons at?
  12. HottFuzz

    what's the meaning of 420 and 101 ?

    187 probably wasnt a police code until Samuel L. Jackson made that movie. yea, that sounds right too. i gotta take a shit
  13. HottFuzz

    what's the meaning of 420 and 101 ?

    hmmm, 420 is police code for narcotics. like 187 for homicide and 211 for burglary. but yea, they probably stole the code from a couple stoners from So Cal. that makes sense, if you dont think about it
  14. HottFuzz

    Mercury X valley ogs 1000hps veg & flower in coco

    where you know my mamma from?!
  15. HottFuzz

    advice on breeding

    that was sarcasm right?