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  • Great! Thanks a $$mil,you cleared up several questions for me! I've been preparing/building up to my nft for a while,hopefully within the next few weeks I'll finally get to go. I feel better about my root growth issues now for sure! Also considered putting in some drip lines on my system for use in seedling situations,b/c I'm sure it won't take long for root wads to form in nft! Thanks T! I'll keep u posted if u like,I'm gonna try to grow Onyx,MI5,Blue Himalaya,& Lemon Skunk,my 1st try @ autos!
    I have used root down in neoprene with great results. I usually cut the neoprene in half so its not as thick because the seedling is so small. It will grow as long as the tap root is below the neoprene for sure, works well. I wait till they are at least 3/8" long to 1/2" long for decent water coverage. Spray wont hurt them I have broke tap root off handling them all survived and became great plants. I use 1 on and 6 off, but have used many variations like 1:4,1:5, 1:8 they all seem to work as well. As long as your roots don't dry out they will be fine and grow fast. Bubbleponics wound lont work as well for seedlings unless the water is up into the net pots or roots have grown to get into water, then should work fine. I am trying bubble now and I like NFT better no root issues like that come about with bubble.
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