Recent content by hyffe

  1. H

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    ^^the cow palace in san francisco? And what exactly do they do there?
  2. H

    Its all good.Thanks for replying.I got 2 seeds germing now,smallest seeds ive ever seen lol.

    Its all good.Thanks for replying.I got 2 seeds germing now,smallest seeds ive ever seen lol.
  3. H

    FIRST TIME GROW Skunk Haze

    how is everything going?
  4. H

    1 Pound Skunk # 1 - outdoor.

    hey how does that skunk smell? like a strong ass skunk or what lol?
  5. H

    Hey bro loved the skunk haze grow..i have a question did it smell like a strong skunk? or just...

    Hey bro loved the skunk haze grow..i have a question did it smell like a strong skunk? or just citrusy with a little skunk throughout the grow? Got some seeds and gonna do a outdoor grow with it.Thanks bro
  6. H

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    Damn sorry to hear that,what city were you in if you don't mind me asking? And keep me posted on the hemp con bay area tour.
  7. H

    Banana Method?!?

    this thread needs a bump...just put two skunk haze regular seeds in with some banana peels and a descendant (how ever you spell that) moisture pack thing :)
  8. H

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    if they brought hempcon to the bay area i would defiantly go.
  9. H

    The Budget Grower .. How to grow killer dope for less $

    grow outside if your on a budget
  10. H

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    your going bigger in the bizz? you have your own club or something?please tell me more about the shadyness though.
  11. H

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    how about going interracial? alot of "hood druge dealers" round there in la grow there own...shit worth a try
  12. H

    Party Cup Competition

    so hold on...the whole grow in a 16oz party cup? 5 weeks total?
  13. H

    Flat white paint surfaces

    flat white paint would be the best.
  14. H

    Seedsman Skunk Haze

    i thought the same thing did they pop?