Recent content by I smoke it all

  1. I smoke it all

    3 plants almost 3 pounds!

    thats wats up, do yo thang homie good luck and please post some pics for me
  2. I smoke it all

    101 Already Asked Questions

    Can u use c02 on a plant that is only a few days old please let me know wat u think
  3. I smoke it all

    Indoor Growing Systems

    wat type of stuff u gettin couse im at about 750 an jus waiting on seeds
  4. I smoke it all

    Indoor Growing Systems

    how can i learn bout that an check this out world wide seeds aint bout shit who betta
  5. I smoke it all

    ihey is thare any way that i could learn some more about that power box u made?

    ihey is thare any way that i could learn some more about that power box u made?
  6. I smoke it all

    Indoor Growing Systems

    wer can i get a drip system